Turkish Version of the Need for Cognitive Closure Scale: Evaluation of the Validity and Reliability

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Turkish Version of the Need for Cognitive Closure Scale: Evaluation of the Validity and Reliability
Author(s): İnci Dursun, Kutalmış Emre Ceylan, Ebru Tümer Kabadayı
Volume: 6
Number: 3
Year: 2015
Page: 113-128
ISSN: 1309-2448
Need for cognitive closure (NFCC) is a motivational mechanism leading people to experience a sense of urgency about reaching a closure in their decisions and judgments. It is defined as a desire an answer on a given topic compared to confusion and ambiguity. NFCC has acritical role for understanding how information is acquired and processed. A five facet scale was introduced (Webster and Kruglanski 1994), reduced and refined (Houghton ve Grewal, 2000) to assess NFCC as a stable individual disposition. This study aims to introduce the Turkish version of the reduced NFCC scale, assess its factor structure, and test its validity and reliability. Data was collected from a total sample of 1094 respondents live in İstanbul, Kocaeli and Yalova. In line with findings from previous studies, sub facets “decisiveness” and “closed mindedness” emerged as independent dimensions inconsistent with the proposed one-dimensional structure. Probable causes are discussed, a three facet scale was proposed and suggestions for an improved quality Turkish NFCC scale are provided.
Keywords: Lay epistemic theory, need for cognitive closure scale, scale validation
JEL Classification: M31, M39

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