The Effects of Word of Mouth Communication on The Sub Dimensions of Consumer Based Brand Equity: The Mediating Role of Brand Image

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Effects of Word of Mouth Communication on The Sub Dimensions of Consumer Based Brand Equity: The Mediating Role of Brand Image
Author(s): Erkan Yıldız
Volume: 6
Number: 3
Year: 2015
Page: 163-181
ISSN: 1309-2448
Including an increase in the sales order information and communication possibilities of today’s consumers are exposed to excessive information. Consumers also need to hear more and does not have enough time non-purposeful sales gained extensive knowledge of the surrounding environment as well as the proposal to evaluate this information. Word of mouth communication of environmental information reaching the consumer may also be active in the buying decision. Today, a large number of similar types on the market, offering goods and services that the company has lead to violent competition. To survive in the long term business in a highly competitive environment, representing a value for the consumer and depends on having a strong brand and brand equity will constantly be put forward their purchase. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of word of mouth communication on the sub dimensions of consumer-based brand equity; brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty. At the same time making determinations the mediating role of brand image on among these relations. For this purpose, a study was conducted in Ankara with the participation of mobile phone subscribers with 384 consumers. The data of the research was compiled by the convenience sampling method and by online questionnaire. The structural equation modeling was empoyed during the tests of the hypothesis and the effects of the mediating role. In the result of the research it was observed that word of mouth communication has a meaningful effect in the positive direction on all the dimensions of the consumer based brand equity. It was also understood that, brand image has a complete association effect on; brand awareness, brand association and brand loyalty while it has partial association effects on perceived quality dimension.
Keywords: Word of mouth communication, consumer based brand equity, brand image
JEL Classification: M31, M39 Tam Metin ( 2286)
