Online Referrals Categorization and Performance of the Hospitality Industry: The Case of International Hotel Brands in Europe

Makale Bilgileri
Dergi: Business and Economics Research Journal
Makalenin Başlığı: Online Referrals Categorization and Performance of the Hospitality Industry: The Case of International Hotel Brands in Europe
Yazar(lar): Iva Slivar, Ramazan Ufuk Bayer
Cilt: 8
Sayı: 4
Yıl: 2017
Sayfa: 835-847
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Numarası: 10.20409/berj.2017.86
When mentioning online referrals in tourism, the first associations for most are online reviews of guests, usually those on the most popular social media website in tourism – TripAdvisor. In fact, online referrals1 are a much broader concept which is presented through their categorization according to their affiliation to e-marketing domains. The goal of this paper is to research the use of online referrals in hospitality according to the suggested classification. A research featuring a selection of European branded hotel chains, ranging from luxury to budget, and their use of online referrals is presented. The results revealed that most hotels have an average performance in online referrals marketing as a whole, while hotels classified in the budget segment show the worst performance.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Referral Marketing, International Hotel Brands in Europe, Affiliate Marketing, Guest Reviews, Social Media

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