Investigating the Effect of Consumers’ Environmental Values on Green Buying Behavior

Makale Bilgileri
Dergi: Business and Economics Research Journal
Makalenin Başlığı: Investigating the Effect of Consumers’ Environmental Values on Green Buying Behavior
Yazar(lar): Volkan Temizkan
Cilt: 13
Sayı: 3
Yıl: 2022
Sayfa: 505-521
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Numarası: 10.20409/berj.2022.386
In academic studies, various models of green consumer behavior have attempted to explain green consumption behaviors based on traditional theories. In examining the literature, it has not been determined whether consumers’ environmental values, attitudes, or intentions directly influence overall buying behavior. In this study, the influence of consumers’ environmental values, attitudes, and intentions on green buying behavior is directly analyzed using the knowledge, attitude, and practice model (KAP). An online survey was conducted among 450 university students who may be representatives of Generation Z in Turkey. To test the hypotheses, structural equation modeling (SEM) is used. The results of the analysis showed that environmental values have a positive and significant effect on the attitude and intention to consume green. In addition, intention to consume green was found to have a positive and significant effect on green buying behavior. However, environmental values and green consumption attitude were found to have no significant effect on green buying behavior.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Green Buying Behavior, Green Consumption Intention, Green Consumption Attitudes, Environmental Values

JEL Sınıflandırması: M30, M31 Tam Metin ( 1247)
