Evaluation of Public Procurement System Considering the Principles of Competition, Transparency and Equal Treatment

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Evaluation of Public Procurement System Considering the Principles of Competition, Transparency and Equal Treatment
Author(s): Özhan Çetinkaya
Volume: 5
Number: 3
Year: 2014
Page: 97-112
ISSN: 1309-2448
Public procurement system is constituted by the procurements needed by the State as well as the operations carried out to bring its property to the use of private sector. Different laws are applicable to these two types of operations. Public Procurement Law numbered 4734 is applicable to spending, and State Procurement Law dated 2886 is applicable to income-generating operations. Recent studies have revealed that the principles of competition, transparency and equal treatment, which are said to be the core of procurement system, have been ruined due to the content of certain provisions of the related laws and problems in practice. It will be possible to talk about the existence of a healthier procurement system and public gains as long as the problems are identified and solutions are put into practice.
Keywords: Public procurement system, transparency, competition, equal treatment
JEL Classification: H50, H57, D41, D73

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