Employee Perceptions of Corporate Reputation and Impact of The Perceptions  on Organizational  Pride, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: A Study on the East Marmara Region Plastic Packaging Industry

Article Information

Journal:Business and Economics Research Journal

Title of Article:Employee Perceptions of Corporate Reputation and Impact of The Perceptions  on Organizational  Pride, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: A Study on the East Marmara Region Plastic Packaging Industry

Author(s): Hulya Gunduz Cekmecelioglu, Guler Dincel

Volume: 5

Number: 2

Year: 2014




Corporate reputation accepted as one of the strategic sources is corporate assets which add value to firm and has long-term benefits. Due to the increasing importance, in the recent years, corporate reputation has been an interesting subject for academicians along with the business world. The aim of this study is to examine how employees perceive the corporate reputation of the enterprises operating in plastic packaging industry and the impact of these perceptions on organizational pride, job satisfaction and organizational commitment as well. Questionnaire prepared in this context was applied to 273 employees. The package programme of IBM SPSS STATISTICS 20 was used in analyzing the data and in order to reveal relations among variables, the factor analysis, correlation and multiple regression analysis was benefited from. Research results have showed that dimensions forming corporate reputation were perceived differently by employees. The employees have believed that is attractive the businesses with goods and services produced however, they have doubts about adequacy of social responsibility activities of the company. Also when evaluation report of plastic packaging sector was analyzed, it was observed there is a similar perception in this ground and employees care about it. The results of research have showed working environment dimension of corporate reputation have affected the attitudes, like job and wage satisfaction and organizational commitment on the one hand, executing social responsibility activities of businesses increases organizational pride and organizational commitment on the other. A negative effect was observed on wage satisfaction dimension of businesses with produced goods and services of corporate reputation.

Keywords:Corporate reputation, organizational pride, organizational commitment, job satisfaction.

JEL Classification:M14, M19

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