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Kamu Alacağı: Hukuki Bir Değerlendirme

Kamu Alacağı: Hukuki Bir Değerlendirme

Makale Bilgileri

Dergi: İşletme ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi
Makalenin Başlığı:
Kamu Alacağı: Hukuki Bir Değerlendirme
[Public Claims: A Legal Evaluation]
Tamer Budak, Serkan Benk
61 – 76


Bir alacağın var olabilmesi için karşılıklı iki tarafın mevcudiyeti gerekir. Kamu alacağı açısından bu taraflardan biri alacaklı olan Devleti, İl Özel idareleri ve Belediyeleri ifade ederken; borçlu olan, kamu alacağını ödemek zorunda olan gerçek veya tüzel kişileri ifade etmektedir. Hangi alacakların kamualacağı olduğu 6183 sayılı Amme Alacakları Tahsil Usulü Hakkında Kanun’un ilgili maddelerinde düzenlenmektedir. Bir alacak, kamu alacağı niteliği taşısa bile, 6183 sayılı Kanun kapsamı dışında tutulabilir. Kamu idaresinin her alacağı kamu alacağı değildir. Bununla birlikte özel alacak olarak nitelendirilen her kamu alacağı kamu güvencesine sahip olabilir. Bu nedenle bir alacağın kamu alacağı olarak değerlendirilmesi için kullanılacak ölçütler farklılık arz eder. Kamu alacağını düzenleyen ilgili Kanun’da kamunun ortaya çıkan bir alacağının imtiyazlı alacak olmasını sağlayacak bir takım düzenlemeler söz konusudur. Çalışmanın amacı, öncelikle Kanun’un ilgili maddelerinde ifadesini bulan kamu alacağı kavramını tanımlamak; Kanun’da belirtilenler dışında kalan bir alacağın hangi şartlarda kamu alacağının sahip olduğu güvenceye sahip olabildiğini tespit etmektir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kamu Alacağı, Kamu Hizmeti, Ecrimisil, Özel Alacak, Kamu İdaresi

JEL Sınıflandırması: K34, H20, E62

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Young Consumers’ Perspectives of Website Visualization: A Gender Perspective

Young Consumers’ Perspectives of Website Visualization: A Gender Perspective

Article Information

Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article:
Young Consumers’ Perspectives of Website Visualization: A Gender Perspective
Erkan Ozdemir, Serkan Kilic
41 – 60


The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there exist differences in website visualization according to the gender of the respondents as young consumers. For the main purpose, a questionnaire was designed from the literature review, and data were collected from 252 undergraduate students. Analyses of chi-square and t-tests were conducted for hypotheses testing. The results show that six website visualization characteristics are different by young consumers’ gender. These gender-based differences include different color preferences, not using a derogatory statement about rivals, using rounded lines and shapes, 4-6 colors in typeface, female figures in photos and expert language in the websites. The findings of this study reveal how e-marketing executives can harmonize the visualization of websites based on the gender of the targeted young consumers. The main value of this paper is the empirical analysis of the website visualization from a gender perspective. The study explicates to what extent website visualization is important in online purchasing decisions of the young consumers by gender and provides useful information for e-marketing executives. Better understanding of young consumers’ perspectives of website visualization by gender is critical for designing and managing effective websites that can help businesses attract and retain online young customers.

Keywords: Website Visualization, Gender, Young Consumers, E-marketing, Turkey, Internet

JEL Classification: M31, M37

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Young Consumers’ Perspectives of Website Visualization: A Gender Perspective

Young Consumers’ Perspectives of Website Visualization: A Gender Perspective

Makale Bilgileri

Dergi: İşletme ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi
Makalenin Başlığı: Young Consumers’ Perspectives of Website Visualization: A Gender Perspective
Yazar(lar): Erkan Özdemir,Serkan Kılıç
Cilt: 2
Sayı: 2
Yıl: 2011
Sayfa: 41 – 60
ISSN: 1309-2448


The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there exist differences in website visualization according to the gender of the respondents as young consumers. For the main purpose, a questionnaire was designed from the literature review, and data were collected from 252 undergraduate students. Analyses of chi-square and t-tests were conducted for hypotheses testing. The results show that six website visualization characteristics are different by young consumers’ gender. These gender-based differences include different color preferences, not using a derogatory statement about rivals, using rounded lines and shapes, 4-6 colors in typeface, female figures in photos and expert language in the websites. The findings of this study reveal how e-marketing executives can harmonize the visualization of websites based on the gender of the targeted young consumers. The main value of this paper is the empirical analysis of the website visualization from a gender perspective. The study explicates to what extent website visualization is important in online purchasing decisions of the young consumers by gender and provides useful information for e-marketing executives. Better understanding of young consumers’ perspectives of website visualization by gender is critical for designing and managing effective websites that can help businesses attract and retain online young customers.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Website Visualization, Gender, Young Consumers, E-marketing, Turkey, Internet

JEL Sınıflandırması: M31, M37

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Consumers’ Life Style, Social Identity and Consumption Practices in the Context of Communities of Practice

Consumers’ Life Style, Social Identity and Consumption Practices in the Context of Communities of Practice

Article Information

Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article:
Sanal Topluluklar Bağlamında Tüketicilerin Tüketim, Yaşam Tarzı ve Kimlik Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi
Consumers’ Life Style, Social Identity and Consumption Practices in the Context of Communities of Practice]
Ayla Ozhan Dedeoglu, Elif Ustundagli


Social networks on Internet cannot be regarded as media environments simply; they are discursive environments, where individuals actively commune and construct their identities. The present study represents an attempt to analyze the role of virtual communities of practice play in members’ identity, lifestyle and consumption practices. It is also aimed to find out how member types differ from each other in terms of their commitment to the community, identity, lifestyle and consumption. A survey was conducted with members Bilincli Hippiler Toplulugu, a virtual “community of practice”. The findings reveal that life projects, meanings and practices that are produced and consumed in the context of the researched virtual community are sited in central consumption context of, specifically, core and active members, and have identity construction and authorization functions in members’ life trajectories. These findings poses that although virtual communities did not take attention in Turkey, they get importance in analyzing consumer behavior with its effects on consumption practices.

Keywords: Virtual community, Communities of practice, Identity, Lifestyle, Consumption

JEL Classification: M31, M39

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Sanal Topluluklar Bağlamında Tüketicilerin Tüketim, Yaşam Tarzı ve Kimlik Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi

Sanal Topluluklar Bağlamında Tüketicilerin Tüketim, Yaşam Tarzı ve Kimlik Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi

Makale Bilgileri

Dergi: İşletme ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi
Makalenin Başlığı:
Sanal Topluluklar Bağlamında Tüketicilerin Tüketim, Yaşam Tarzı ve Kimlik Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi
Consumers’ Life Style, Social Identity and Consumption Practices in the Context of Communities of Practice]
Ayla Özhan Dedeoğlu, Elif Üstündağlı


İnternet üzerinde yer alan sosyal ağlar, sadece bir medya ortamı değil, bireylerin aktif olarak birbirleriyle topluluk oluşturduğu ve kimliklerini inşa ettiği söylemsel alanlardır. Çalışmanın amacı, sanal eylem topluluklarının üyelerinin tüketim, kimlik ve yaşam tarzlarında oynadıkları rolleri analiz etmektir. Diğer bir amaç da üye tipleri arasında topluluğa katılım (commitment), kimlik, yaşam tarzı ve tüketim faktörleri açısından farklılıkları ortaya koymaktır. Araştırma, eylem topluluğu olma özelliğini taşıyan ve 15000 üyesi bulunan Bilinçli Hippiler Topluluğu ile yapılmıştır. Yapılandırılmış anket formu ile internet ortamında ve kotalı örneklem metoduyla gerçekleştirilen araştırmada, 357 anket formu analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, araştırılan sanal topluluk içinde üretilen vetüketilen yaşam projelerinin, anlam ve pratiklerin, özellikle çekirdek ve aktif üyelerin, merkezi tüketim bağlamına yerleştiğini ve üyelerin yaşam yörüngesinde kimlik oluşturma/onaylama fonksiyonlarını gördüğünü göstermektedir. Bu bulgular, Türkiye’de henüz dikkat çekmese de sanal toplulukların, tüketim pratiklerine yönelik etkileri ile tüketici davranışlarının araştırılmasında önem kazandığını ortaya koymaktadır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:Sanal Topluluk, Eylem Topluluğu, Kimlik, Yaşam Tarzı, Tüketim

JEL Sınıflandırması: M31, M39

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The Relevance of Theoretical Concepts in Practice: A Study of Management Accounting Concepts in 130 Large Swedish Companies

The Relevance of Theoretical Concepts in Practice: A Study of Management Accounting Concepts in 130 Large Swedish Companies

Article Information

Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article:
The Relevance of Theoretical Concepts in Practice: A Study of Management Accounting Concepts in 130 Large Swedish Companies

Author(s): Krister Bredmar

Volume: 2

Number: 2

Year: 2011

Page: 1-22

ISSN: 1309-2448


Management concepts in general and management accounting in particular may be studied in three contexts: practical, textbook and research. This paper shows that the three contexts are connected and a common image of management accounting is presented. Drawing from twelve American management accounting textbooks and one research article (Luft and Shields, 2003) that analyzed research within management accounting; 24 questions were asked to 130 out of the 200 largest Swedish companies. Results indicate that the major focus of textbooks is calculation. This focus is missing in management accounting research, but interestingly companies do not put a high value on it. It is also possible to identify several relationships showing organizations that encourage employee’s participation and commitment can attain a higher level of satisfaction and performance in relation to budget.

Keywords: Management Accounting, Practice, Survey, Textbooks, Swedish Companies

JEL Classification: M16, M40

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The Relevance of Theoretical Concepts in Practice: A Study of Management Accounting Concepts in 130 Large Swedish Companies

The Relevance of Theoretical Concepts in Practice: A Study of Management Accounting Concepts in 130 Large Swedish Companies

Makale Bilgileri

Dergi: İşletme ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi
Makalenin Başlığı:
The Relevance of Theoretical Concepts in Practice: A Study of Management Accounting Concepts in 130 Large Swedish Companies

Yazar(lar): Krister Bredmar

Cilt: 2

Sayı: 2

Yıl: 2011

Sayfa: 1-22

ISSN: 1309-2448


Management concepts in general and management accounting in particular may be studied in three contexts: practical, textbook and research. This paper shows that the three contexts are connected and a common image of management accounting is presented. Drawing from twelve American management accounting textbooks and one research article (Luft and Shields, 2003) that analyzed research within management accounting; 24 questions were asked to 130 out of the 200 largest Swedish companies. Results indicate that the major focus of textbooks is calculation. This focus is missing in management accounting research, but interestingly companies do not put a high value on it. It is also possible to identify several relationships showing organizations that encourage employee’s participation and commitment can attain a higher level of satisfaction and performance in relation to budget.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Management Accounting, Practice, Survey, Textbooks, Swedish Companies

JEL Sınıflandırması: M16, M40

https://www.berjournal.com/wp-content/plugins/downloads-manager/img/icons/pdf.gif Tam Metin

Food Retailers’ Objectives of Developing Private Label Products and Their Perspectives to Private Label Products

Food Retailers’ Objectives of Developing Private Label Products and Their Perspectives to Private Label Products

Article Information

Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal

Title of Article: Gıda Perakendecilerinin Özel Markalı Ürünleri Geliştirme Amaçları ve Özel Markalı Ürünlere Bakış Açıları
[Food Retailers’ Objectives of Developing Private Label Products and Their Perspectives to Private Label Products]

Author(s): Serkan Kilic

Volume: 2

Number: 1

Year: 2011

Page: 173 – 188

ISSN: 1309-2448


In the intensive competitive environment, retailers incline to develop their own branded products (private label products) to make a differentiation over their rivals and to gain a market share. On the other side, retailers’ have some objectives in developing private label products. At this point, this study put forwards the differences between retailers’ some characteristics and objectives of developing private label products and investigates the tendencies and expectations towards private label products. The results of the research present that there are no differences in the objectives of developing private label products according to the food retailers’ ownership of private label. However, it is found that there are some differences in the objectives of developing private label products according to the food retailers’ level of activity, number of branches and scale. In the study, it is also put forward that food retailers expect an increase in the demand of private label products at nearly terms and inclining to develop private labels more than before.

Keywords: Retailing, Food retailing, Brand, Private label

JEL Classification: L66, L81, M31



Gıda Perakendecilerinin Özel Markalı Ürünleri Geliştirme Amaçları ve Özel Markalı Ürünlere Bakış Açıları

Gıda Perakendecilerinin Özel Markalı Ürünleri Geliştirme Amaçları ve Özel Markalı Ürünlere Bakış Açıları

Makale Bilgileri

Dergi: İşletme ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi

Makalenin Başlığı: Gıda Perakendecilerinin Özel Markalı Ürünleri Geliştirme Amaçları ve Özel Markalı Ürünlere Bakış Açıları
[Food Retailers’ Objectives of Developing Private Label Products and Their Perspectives to Private Label Products]

Yazar(lar): Serkan Kılıç

Cilt: 2

Sayı: 1

Yıl: 2011

Sayfa: 173 – 188

ISSN: 1309-2448


Yoğun rekabet ortamında perakendeciler, rakiplerine göre farklılık yaratmak ve pazar payı kazanmak üzere kendilerine ait olan markalı ürünleri (özel markalı ürünler) geliştirmeye yönelmektedirler. Diğer yandan perakendeciler, özel markalı ürünleri geliştirmede bazı amaçlara sahiptirler. Bu noktada bu çalışma, ülkemizdeki gıda perakendecilerinin bazı özellikleri ile özel markalı ürünleri geliştirme amaçları arasındaki farklılıkları ortaya koymakta ve özel markalı ürünlere yönelik beklenti ve eğilimleri araştırmaktadır. Araştırma sonuçları, gıda perakendecilerinin özel marka sahipliğine göre özel markalı ürünleri geliştirme amaçlarında farklılık bulunmadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Buna karşın, gıda perakendecilerinin faaliyet düzeyi, şube sayısı ve ölçeğine göre özel markalı ürünleri geliştirme amaçlarında bazı farklılıkların olduğu bulunmuştur. Çalışmada ayrıca gıda perakendecilerininönümüzdeki dönemlerde özel markalara yönelik talepte bir artış bekledikleri ve özel markaları geliştirmeye daha fazla yöneldikleri ortaya konulmuştur.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Perakendecilik, Gıda perakendeciliği, Marka, Özel marka

JEL Sınıflandırması: L66, L81, M31


In the intensive competitive environment, retailers incline to develop their own branded products (private label products) to make a differentiation over their rivals and to gain a market share. On the other side, retailers’ have some objectives in developing private label products. At this point, this study put forwards the differences between retailers’ some characteristics and objectives of developing private label products and investigates the tendencies and expectations towards private label products. The results of the research present that there are no differences in the objectives of developing private label products according to the food retailers’ ownership of private label. However, it is found that there are some differences in the objectives of developing private label products according to the food retailers’ level of activity, number of branches and scale. In the study, it is also put forward that food retailers expect an increase in the demand of private label products at nearly terms and inclining to develop private labels more than before.

Keywords: Retailing, Food retailing, Brand, Private label

JEL Classification: L66, L81, M31



Patent Valuation and Real Options

Patent Valuation and Real Options

Article Information

Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal

Title of Article: Patent Değerlemesi ve Reel Opsiyonlar

[Patent Valuation and Real Options]

Author(s): Deger Alper

Volume: 2

Number: 1

Year: 2011

Page: 153 – 172

ISSN: 1309-2448


As the knowledge economics grows rapidly, businesses increasingly invest intellectual property and the value of intellectual property; patent, trademark, copyright etc., more emphasized in business nowadays. Thus, the valuation of intellectual property, specifically patents, has been one of the most difficult investment problems both for practitioners and academics. Traditional valuation methods fail to account for the unique characteristics of patents; uncertainty and management flexibility. Patents are option-like assets that give the owner a bundle of options; to commercialize the products, to file foreign application, to license the innovation etc. Real options represent the application of options methodology to strategic business decisions, and real option method provides a richer framework to analyse the issues that confront the valuation of patent. This paper uses real option model as a framework to correctly evaluate patent and contains real option model application to patent valuation.

Keywords: Patent valuation, Intellectual property, Real options

JEL Classification: G13, O34