Human Energy at Work and a Research on Identifying the Antecedents

Makale Bilgileri
Dergi: Business and Economics Research Journal
Makalenin Başlığı: Human Energy at Work and a Research on Identifying the Antecedents
Yazar(lar): Ali Bayram
Cilt: 9
Sayı: 4
Yıl: 2018
Sayfa: 871-888
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Numarası: 10.20409/berj.2018.144
Occurring increases in human energy provide to increase organizational outputs such as performance rising, formation of positive feeling and high motivation. Because of these advantages provided by an organizational perspective, being high of employees’ energy levels is extremely important for foundations. In this study, it is tried to reveal how a relation there is between organizational justice, job satisfaction, person-job fit, person-organization fit, leader-member exchange theory, burnout concepts and human energy. A survey that was formed in parallel with purpose of the research applied to 1750 employees from several enterprises operating Kayseri province in Turkey. As a result of multiple regression analyses that were made by the data obtained, it was confirmed that the organizational justice, job satisfaction, person-job fit, person-organization fit, leader-member exchange theory have a positive effect and burnout has a negative effect on the human energy.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Human Energy, Human Energy at Work, Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction, Person-Job Fit, Person-Organization Fit, Leader-Member Exchange Theory, Burnout

JEL Sınıflandırması: D23, M12, J24 Tam Metin ( 2127)
