Researches within the Scope Of Articles Related Leader-Member Exchange Theory in Turkey: Bibliometric A Content Analysis as Bibliometrically

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Researches within the Scope Of Articles Related Leader-Member Exchange Theory in Turkey: Bibliometric A Content Analysis as Bibliometrically
Author(s): Ali Murat Alparslan, Ömer Faruk Oktar
Volume: 6
Number: 1
Year: 2015
Page: 107-123
ISSN: 1309-2448
The aim of this study is conducting bibliometric content analysis on academic articles related leader-member exchange theory which published in Turkish literature. Thus, the contribution of Turkish literature to leader-member exchange theory will revealed. Moreover, this research will serve as an important assessment to who done research and will do research about this phenomenon. The scope of research, 20 published & accessible empiric article which in domestic literature until 2014 was reviewed. When phenomenon of leader-member exchange was dependent variable, independent variable and mediating variable, the other dependent and independent variables have been introduced. According to result, in order that organizational, personal and leadership factors develop into useful behaviors and attitudes, leader-member exchange has been shown to be a significant mediating role. Creating a culture of collaboration and group climate, transformational leadership, extroverts and self-sufficiency personality increase leader-member interaction, this interaction will increase the effectiveness of the organization, positive work attitudes, psychological empowerment and job performance, and decrease intention of leaving the organization, in fact leads to extra effort by employees for organizations.
Keywords: Organizational behavior, leader-member exchange, positive work attitudes, bibliometric analysis
JEL Classification: M54, D23, L2 Tam Metin