Determinants of Turkish Manufacturing Industry Production in Sub-Sectors: A Panel Data Analysis

Article Information
Journal:Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article:Determinants of Turkish Manufacturing Industry Production in Sub-Sectors: A Panel Data Analysis
Author(s): Guzin Bayar, Selman Tokpunar
Volume: 5
Number: 1
Year: 2014
Page: 67-85

Role of industrial policies is important in the development of a country. For Turkey, manufacturing industry in an important component of GDP and driving force of the growth. This study aims to analize production of Turkish manufacturing industry. With this aim, we use a panel data set of 2005q1-2011q1 period and 78 industrial sectors. We analyse the data using Augmented Mean Group methodology, which is an effective method, taking into consideration cross sectional dependencies and parameter heterogeneities. Regression results show that, sectoral exports and imports, total investment expenditures, sectoral productivity and GDP of trade partners of Turkey affects manufacturing sectors’ production positively, as expected. On the otherhand, appreciation of the real exchange rate harms industrial production. An increase in interest rates also has a dampening effect on industrial production. Regression results also enable us to analyse differing effects of each variable on each of the sectors.

Keywords:Industrial production, sectors, panel data, augmented mean group, exports, imports

JEL Classification:C23, L60 Tam Metin ( 3018)
