Mediating Role of Affective Commitment in HRM Practices and Turnover Intention Relationship: A Study in a Developing Context

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Do Education Organizations Show Learning Organizations Charecterics? A
Comparative Case Study in term of Balıkesir Province
Author(s): Sedat Yumusak, Harun Yildiz
Volume: 2
Number: 4
Year: 2011
Page: 159-177
ISSN: 1309-2448

Learning, an important element in terms of affecting the change of individual, organizational and social structures, will occur more effectively when the institutions in social structure turn into learning organizations. Senge (1993) concept of learning organization, constantly changing, evolving and renewing itself described as a dynamic structure. This concept has an important place in all institutions is also a separate meaning for educational institutions. In this context, schools training the human resources, appropriate for the aim of being information society, as individuals have taken continuous learning as their principles, teachers providing educational and supporting services and their perceptions of learning organization are of the great importance. In Balıkesir, the study was conducted virtue of this importance has been serving the state and private institutions serving 848 elementary teachers, perceptions of the learning organization and organizational barriers that prevent it is to be determined through a comparative analysis. As a result of the survey, in the framework of the bases in literature, it has been found out that the state primary schools don’t have the features of learning organization, contrary to the private primary schools.

Keywords: Learning organizations, Organizational learning, Learning school.

JEL Classification: I20, M00, M10, M54 Tam Metin ( 2268)
