Establishing a Network among Entrepreneurs, Angle Investors and Venture Capital Firms, Structure and Importance of This Network

Article Information

Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article:
Girişimciler, Melek Yatırımcılar ve Risk Sermayesi Firmaları Arasında Kurulacak Bir Ağ, Bu Ağın Yapısı ve Önemi
Establishing a Network among Entrepreneurs, Angle Investors and Venture Capital Firms, Structure and Importance of This Network]
Suleyman Gokhan Gunay, Ahmet Basalp
153 – 164


SMEs that operate in information technology (IT) sector need venture capital besides conventional financial techniques (capital, loans, etc.). Venture capitalists can be categorized into two groups as personal and institutional venture capitalists. Those who are individual venture capitalists are called angel investors. Institutional ones are called venture capital firms. When we look at the world, we come across to networks that gather angel investors and venture capital firms with entrepreneurs. Development of IT sector, which is very important in the development of our country, is closely related with the establishment of similar networks. In this study, in-depth interviews are conducted with the managers and/or owners of thirty SMEs in Erciyes Technopark. This descriptive research determines how these networks can be established the role of technoparks in these networks, contribution of angle investors and venture capital firms to this type of network, and shows how entrepreneurs perceive these types of networks. Establishing a network is expected to provide cooperative behaviors, innovation and information flows. Corporations, technoparks and universities are considered to act as an intermediary in a virtual environment in order to establish this type of network.

Keywords: Venture capital, Angle investors, Network, New Economy, Technoparks

JEL Classification: M13, M21, O31 Tam Metin