The Role of Accounting and Marketıng in Calculating Customer Lifetime Value on Key Account Management in B2B/Industrial Markets

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Role of Accounting and Marketıng in Calculating Customer Lifetime Value on Key Account Management in B2B/Industrial Markets
Author(s): Vedat Ekergil, Nezihe Figen Ersoy
Volume: 7
Number: 4
Year: 2016
Page: 159-180
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016422345
Customer lifetime value is a concept which many academics and in practice many marketing managers are working on for a long time. The main objective of the customer lifetime value is to determine the degree of importance of customers for the company. Answers of questions such as; how much the company should invest to which customer, what kind of marketing strategies should it prefer for which customer and which campaigns should it organize; can be determine by calculating the customer lifetime value. Many academics have proposed several models for the calculation of Customer lifetime value. But there is not any judgement in the literature about which types of models provide superior results. The purpose of this study is to create a cluster between customers with examining some of the models deemed suitable for the selected sector in the literature, result of the calculations, using the same database and variables.

Keywords: Customer, Customer Lifetime Value, Key Account, Accounting of Marketing, Segmentation

JEL Classification: M31, M40, M41 Full Text ( 2588)
