The Impact of Brand Value on Stock Returns: A Empirical Reseach on the BİST

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Impact of Brand Value on Stock Returns: A Empirical Reseach on the BİST
Author(s): Ali Bayrakdaroglu, Cagatay Mirgen
Volume: 7
Number: 3
Year: 2016
Page: 111-123
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016321811
Brands and branding have come into prominence nowadays and become a must of products and services. This situation lead the need for calculation of brand value. Evaluation of brand value as a financial performance criteria in modern business brings if brand value has an impact on share earning into question. This study aims at presenting whether the brand value of a company affects the share earnings. For this, panel regression was performed considering the brand values and share earnings of companies selected from Brand Finance and İstanbul Stock Exchange. As a result, it was reached that there is a significant and positive relationship between brand value and share earning.
Keywords: Value, Brand Value, Valuation Method of Brand, BİST, Panel Data Regression
JEL Classification: C33, G12, G32, M31 Full Text ( 2390)
