The Effect of Job Insecurity, Working Conditions and Occupational Social Status on The Intention to Quit Occupation

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Effect of Job Insecurity, Working Conditions and Occupational Social Status on The Intention to Quit Occupation
Author(s): Handan Ozcelik-Bozkurt, Ali Turan Bayram
Volume: 11
Number: 3
Year: 2020
Page: 891-905
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2020.288
In this research; the effects of job insecurity, working conditions and occupational social status perceptions of tourism educated accommodation establishment employees on their intention to quit the profession were investigated. For this purpose, the relevant literature was examined, information about the variables was presented, determinations were made for the relationship between variables, and a research model was created. Confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis were applied to variables through structural equation modeling. In order to test the model, a survey was conducted with 392 employees in 18 different four and five star accommodation establishments in Antalya. As a result of the research in which hypotheses are tested using structural equation modeling, it was concluded that job insecurity and bad working conditions had a positive effect on the intention to quit the occupation and the high level of professional social status perception had a negative effect on intention to quit the occupation. In this direction various suggestions were made to employers, sector representatives and relevant management units of the country.

Keywords: Job Insecurity, Working Conditions, Occupational Social Status, Intention to Quit Occupation, Tourism

JEL Classification: J24, J81, Z13, J63, l84 Full Text ( 2050)
