The Effect of Emotional Exhaustion on Workplace Ostracism and Job Insecurity in North Cyprus Hotel Industry

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Effect of Emotional Exhaustion on Workplace Ostracism and Job Insecurity in North Cyprus Hotel Industry
Author(s): Mehmet Necati Cizreliogullari, Ozlem Altun, Pinar Barut
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1167-1178
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.228
The aim of this study is to investigate the mediating effects of employee emotional exhaustion (EE) on workplace ostracism (WO) and job insecurity (JI) using the theory of resource conservation. In this research, structural equality modeling was conducted through 211 questionnaires, working in Hotels in Northern Cyprus. For data analysis used Microsoft Excel and Statistical Software Programs including SPSS and AMOS. The study results show that the gradual convergence of emotional exhaustion due to incapacity can lead to an increase in negative effects on job insecurity or ostracism in the workplace which gradually increases over time, impacting negatively on and ultimately increasing workplace ostracism. Although, the studies on exhaustion and insecurity in the workplace increase, “the individual perceives that they are ignored or excluded by others”, furthermore, there has not been sufficient attention on the effects of emotional exhaustion workplace ostracism and group unemployment. Therefore, this study will lead to future studies.

Keywords: Workplace, Ostracism, Emotional Exhaustion, Job Insecurity, Conservation of Resources Theory

JEL Classification: C83, Z32, J83 Full Text ( 2349)
