Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version of Brandes, Dharwadkar, and Dean’s (1999) Organizational Cynicism Scale: The Case of Organized Industrial Zone, Kayseri

Article Information

Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version of Brandes, Dharwadkar, and Dean’s (1999) Organizational Cynicism Scale: The Case of Organized Industrial Zone, Kayseri
Author(s): Korhan Karacaoglu, Fatma Ince
Volume: 3
Number: 3
Year: 2012
Page: 77 – 92
ISSN: 1309-2448 


The aim of this research is to investigate the validity and reliability of Turkish version of Organizational Cynicism Scale developed by Brandes et al. (1999). The research was conducted on 300 workers employed in the manufacturing entreprises of Kayseri Organized Industrial Zone. The psychometric properties of the scale were examined by cronbach alpha and item-total corelations for the reliability, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses for the validity. As a result of the factor analysis, three factors emerged as in the original form of the scale: affect, cognition, and behavior. The Cronbach’s alpha for the oganizational cynicism scale was 0,91,  and affect, cognition and behavior dimensions revealed the coefficients of 0,94, 0,87, and 0,82 respectively. The psycometric properties of the Turkish version of Organizational Cynicism Scale showed that the scale has a satisfactory level of reliability and validity for the Turkish employee sample.

Keywords:Organizational Cynicism, Validity, Reliability, Manufacturing Industry

JEL Classification:M10, M12 Full Text ( 3649)
