Prioritizing the Digitalization Barriers: An AHP Application in the Turkish Logistics Industry

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Prioritizing the Digitalization Barriers: An AHP Application in the Turkish Logistics Industry
Author(s): Ipek Akman Durgut, Ilke Sezin Ayaz, Esra Baran Kasapoglu
Volume: 13
Number: 4
Year: 2022
Page: 639-656
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.394
Digitalization has become an essential part of the logistics industry in the rapidly developing and changing environment. Considering the benefits that might provide to the logistics industry, revealing the barriers to digitalization has significant importance. In this study, barriers encountered in the transition to digital systems in the logistics sector in Turkey were prioritized with the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. According to the evaluations of ten experts, the barriers encountered are categorized under five groups as organizational, managerial, technical, financial, and the barriers arising from customer expectations. It has been determined that financial barriers were identified as the main barrier to the digitalization of the logistics industry. Technical barriers were determined in the second place, and barriers from customer expectations were the least prioritized barrier. With this exploratory study, it is expected to contribute to the literature by determining and prioritizing the barriers to digitalization in the Turkish logistics sector.

Keywords: Digitalization, Barriers, Logistics, Logistics Industry, Analytical Hierarchy Process Method

JEL Classification: O33, L91 Full Text ( 1102)
