Online Resolution of Tax Disputes: An Assessment on The Turkish Tax Judiciary System

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Online Resolution of Tax Disputes: An Assessment on The Turkish Tax Judiciary System
Author(s): Mine Binis
Volume: 12
Number: 3
Year: 2021
Page: 653-667
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2021.343
A dispute is a conflict that occurs between at least two parties in terms of existence, functioning and results of any legal relationship. The structure of these disputes, which are likely to be experienced in all areas, has varied depending on the widespread use of the internet and developments in information technologies. This alteration has generated differences in the nature of the disputes and its resolution. Together with the participation of the technology as “the fourth party” in resolution of the disputes a change movement has emerged. This transformation has led to the idea of including online solutions in dispute resolution systems. Online resolution way is a method aiming to resolve the disputes fast, simple and less costly via internet. The study aims to evaluate the application areas of online resolutions and to consider the availability of incorporating online dispute resolution ways into the dispute resolution system for resolving tax disputes in the judicial process in Turkey. From this point, evaluations have been made on the theory, country practices, existing legal regulations, and judgement principles. As a result of these evaluations, it has been concluded that the online resolution of disputes is partially implemented in Turkey and e-ADR, which have application areas in civil law proceedings, can also be applied in tax proceedings with the necessary legal regulations.

Keywords: Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), Electronic Alternative Dispute Resolutions (e-ADR), Tax Dispute, Tax Judgement

JEL Classification: K30, K34, K41, 033 Full Text ( 1411)
