Investigation of the Effects of Top Management Profile and Firm Structure on Intuitive Strategic Decision-Making Under the Moderating Role of Environmental Dynamism and Environmental Hostility

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Investigation of the Effects of Top Management Profile and Firm Structure on Intuitive Strategic Decision-Making Under the Moderating Role of Environmental Dynamism and Environmental Hostility
Author(s): Fahriye Oben Uru, Mustafa Aslan
Volume: 12
Number: 1
Year: 2021
Page: 173-195
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2021.317
The main goal of this study is to reveal the effects of the top management profile and firm structure on intuitive strategic decision-making under the moderating role of environmental dynamism and environmental hostility. Using the convenience sampling method, data were collected from 493 top managers via survey method. Structural equation modelling was used to analyze the data. The findings of this study show that the education level, and sector experience of top management affect intuitive strategic decision-making positively and while their age and tenure negatively affect it. In addition, it is determined that the formalization degree and revenue of the firm negatively affect intuitive strategic decision-making while the number of employees and firm age positively affect it. It is revealed that the negative effect of the age of the top management on the intuitive strategic decision-making weakens as the environmental dynamism increases and even this effect turns positive, whereas the negative effect of the age of the top management on the intuitive strategic decision-making gets stronger as the environmental hostility increases. Furthermore, the negative impact of revenue-based firm size on the intuitive strategic decision-making has been found to increase as environmental dynamism increases. Lastly, it is revealed that the positive impact of top management’s sector experience on the intuitive strategic decision-making gets stronger as the environmental hostility increases.

Keywords: Intuitive Strategic Decision-Making, Top Management, Firm Structure, Environmental Dynamism, Environmental Hostility

JEL Classification: M10, M19 Full Text ( 1658)
