Integrated Usage of the SERVQUAL and Quality Function Deployment Techniques in the Assessment of Public Service Quality: The Case of Ardahan Municipality

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Integrated Usage of the SERVQUAL and Quality Function Deployment Techniques in the Assessment of Public Service Quality: The Case of Ardahan Municipality
Author(s): Kursad Emrah Yildirim, Ali Yildirim, Sami Ozcan
Volume: 10
Number: 4
Year: 2019
Page: 885-901
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.208
Public services delivered by municipalities can be directly evaluated by citizens living within the border of the services presented. The purpose of this study is to introduce perception differences between the expectations and meeting these expectations of the citizens living in the service area of Ardahan Municipality and to present suggestions to the municipal authorities. Within the scope of this purpose, SERVQUAL (Service Quality) scale was used, perception about the municipality services was evaluated and service design was developed to increase the service quality of the Municipality through the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) technique. As a result of the survey applied to 382 citizens living in Ardahan centrum, the biggest difference between perception and expectation has found out in the reliability factor with 28.92%. Tangibles factor has been possessed the lowest importance percentage with 12.42%. Examining the technical requirements, the most important requirements have been found out as follows: height of service banks (8.17%), increasing landscaping works (7.07%), virtual support and private telephone line application (6.8%).

Keywords: Public Service, Service Quality, Municipality, SERVQUAL, Quality Function Deployment

JEL Classification: C63, H70, Z18 Full Text ( 2104)
