Flexible Manufacturing System Selection with Entropy based ROV Method

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Flexible Manufacturing System Selection with Entropy based ROV Method
Author(s): Alptekin Ulutas
Volume: 9
Number: 1
Year: 2018
Page: 187-194
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.99
With increasing global competition, most manufacturing businesses turn to increase their production technologies to gain competitive advantage. Flexible manufacturing systems are also one of these production technologies. Flexible manufacturing systems have the capacity to produce a variety of products in a short time and in specified quantities. With the widespread use of advanced technology, manufacturing companies have begun using flexible manufacturing system to take advantage of benefits of this system. When evaluating or selecting of flexible manufacturing systems, many criteria, which are conflicted, should be considered. Hence, multi-criteria decision making methods are used in the evaluation or selection of flexible manufacturing systems. In this study, the flexible manufacturing systems will be selected with the Entropy based range of value (ROV) method. The objective weights of the criteria will be obtained by the Entropy method and alternatives will be ranked by the ROV method. Eight different alternatives are ranked with respect to their performance by using of this method. Since there is no study using ROV in Turkish literature, this study is thought to contribute to Turkish literature.

Keywords: Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Multi-criteria Decision Making, ROV Method, Entropy Method

JEL Classification: M11, C44

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