Financial Performance of Football Clubs and The Impact of The Covid-19 Epidemic: Comparison of the Five National League of Union of European Football Associations

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Financial Performance of Football Clubs and The Impact of The Covid-19 Epidemic: Comparison of the Five National League of Union of European Football Associations
Author(s): Erdinc Karadeniz, Omer Iskenderoglu
Volume: 13
Number: 2
Year: 2022
Page: 299-317
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.374
The main purposes of this research are to comparatively analyse the financial performance of football clubs in national leagues in the European continent and to examine the effects of the Covid-19 outbreak on financial performance. In this context, the financial performance of 23 football clubs in five national leagues (Italy-Seria A, England-Premier League, Portugal-Liga Nos, Denmark-Superliga, Turkey-Super Lig) affiliated to the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) and whose financial data are available between 2017-2021 was examined by the ratio analysis method. In the study, it was also tested with the wilcoxon signed rank test whether there is a statistically significant difference in the financial performance of football clubs between the pre-Covid-19 epidemic (2017-2019) and post-Covid-19 epidemic (2020-2021) period. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the liquidity and financial risk levels of football clubs are very high, whereas their profitability, activity and cash flow performance are very low. It was determined that the activity, profitability and cash flow performance of football clubs decreased further after the Covid 19 epidemic. On the other hand, a statistically significant difference was found only in terms of activity ratios and return on asset ratio in the context of the pre- and post-epidemic period.

Keywords: Financial Performance, Ratio Analysis, Football Clubs, Covid-19 Outbreak, UEFA

JEL Classification: M41, Z20, Z23 Full Text ( 1570)
