Explaining Competitiveness of OECD Countries by Instituional and Mixed Models

Article Information

Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Explaining Competitiveness of OECD Countries by Instituional and Mixed Models
Author(s): Mustafa Akal, Ali Kabasakal, Seyit M. Gokmenoglu
Volume: 3
Number: 1
Year: 2012
Page: 109-130
ISSN: 1309-2448


This study aims to explain competitiveness of OECD countries through developing institutional and mixed models. In these models, the data of 2007 are used to avoid the global crisis effects of 2008. As a result of predictions, instituional models developed with the indicators formed to show the institutional, political and socio-cultural structures of the countries by some organizations are found functional in explaining competetiveness of OECD. It is found that factors thought to have been defining the national competitiveness depending on institutional models explain WEF measures of OECD’s competitiveness along 47 % – 56 %, IMD meausures of OECDS’s competitiveness along 74% -84 %. Mixed models developed by including theoretical variables into instituional models are found explaining OECD’s competitivess around 63%-90%.

Keywords:Competitiveness, OECD, multiple regression, institutional models, mixed models

JEL Classification:C21, C51, D24, O50

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