Examination of Public Service Announcements in Turkey Through Content Analysis Method

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Examination of Public Service Announcements in Turkey Through Content Analysis Method
Author(s): Meltem Yetkin Ozbuk, Yagmur Oz
Volume: 8
Number: 3
Year: 2017
Page: 575-589
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.67
In everyday life, public service announcements are often encountered, criticized, or found to be useful. While the effects of public service announcements are frequently discussed, there is not a detailed study of their content. The purpose of this study is to systematically classify public service announcements and reveal the characteristics of public service announcements by conducting content analysis method for 375 public service announcements published in Turkey between 2012-2016. In the related literature, it has been observed that different features of public service announcements are collected under certain categories and an answer has been searched under these categories for 12 different research questions. This study will lead to future work on this subject in terms of being the first study to examine public service announcements in Turkey through content analysis method and presenting a holistic framework to examine public service announcements.

Keywords: Public Service Announcements, Turkey, Content Analysis, Communication, Sensation-Seeking

JEL Classification: C10, M39

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