Evaluating the Effects of Various Financial Ratios on Company Financial Performance: Application in Borsa İstanbul

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Evaluating the Effects of Various Financial Ratios on Company Financial Performance: Application in Borsa İstanbul
Author(s):  Eda Oruç Erdoğan, Murat Erdoğan, Vesile Ömürbek
Volume: 6
Number: 1
Year: 2015
Page: 35-42
ISSN: 1309-2448
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact on the corporate financial performance to the several financial indicators. Companies that are traded continuously in Borsa İstanbul-30 (BIST-30) between 2002-2013 periods were analyzed in this study for this purpose. Current ratio, earnings per share, leverage ratio, firm size and market value to book value ratio were used as independent variables. Net profit margin was used as a dependent variables. The relationship between variables was analyzed by using panel data. According to the results of analysis, there is a positive and significant relation between corporate performance (t-period) and current ratio and corporate size (t- period) and there is a negative and significant relation between corporate performance (t-period) and leverage ratio (t-period).
Keywords: Financial ratios, current ratio, leverage ratio, company performance, panel data analysis
JEL Classification: G30, G32

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