Entrepreneurial Personality Characteristics of Women Participating and do not Participating in Micro Credit Program: The Case of Sirnak Province

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Entrepreneurial Personality Characteristics of Women Participating and do not Participating in Micro Credit Program: The Case of Sirnak Province
Author(s): Sureyya Ece, Azize Ergeneli
Volume: 10
Number: 2
Year: 2019
Page: 435-450
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.178
Microcredits are important for dissemination of entrepreneurship and especially for development of rural areas as well as for promoting women’s socio-economic status and increasing their and their families’ welfare. The expected benefits of microcredit application depend on the fact that it is given to women have entrepreneurial personality traits. The aim of this study is to determine whether women using micro-credits have entrepreneurial personality characteristics. For this reason, the women using microcredit for at least one year, women participating entrepreneurial activities by their own possibilities and housewives in the Sirnak province were included in the research. A total of 159 women (53 women from each group) were interviewed face to face. The obtained data have been evaluated by using the Discriminant Analysis. Results of the analysis showed that women using micro-credit are similar to entrepreneurial women only in terms of autonomy. Autonomy average of entrepreneur women and women using micro-credit was higher than housewives. It has been found that women who use micro-credits are similar to housewives in terms of uncertainty, achievement and dominance. The mean achievement and dominance of women using micro-credits and housewives are lower than those of entrepreneurial women; the uncertainty tolerance was found to be higher.

Keywords: Microcredit, Female Entrepreneur, Housewife, Entrepreneurial Personality Characteristics

JEL Classification: L26, G21, Z18, I31

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