Effects of Individual Innovative Behaviors on Conflict with Co-Workers and the Intent-to-leave: A Research in the Public Sector

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Effects of Individual Innovative Behaviors on Conflict with Co-Workers and the Intent-to-leave: A Research in the Public Sector
Author(s): Adnan Eroglu, Mustafa Kemal Topcu, H. Nejat Basim
Volume: 9
Number: 1
Year: 2018
Page: 123-136
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.96
There is a scant literature on personal outcomes of innovative work behaviors, whereby it motivates us to understand the role of individual and organizational factors in cognitive and motivational processes underlying individual innovative behaviors. While the role of innovative work behaviors is studied as a gain for organizations, negative contingencies or dark side are neglected. To this end, a two-step study consisting of mixed methodology is conducted to identify effects of innovative work behaviors on conflict with co-workers and intent-to-leave. At first step, a survey, in which 186 employees participated, was employed in a public institution operating in defense industry. The study indicates that there is no significant effect of innovative work behaviorson conflict with co-workers, and intent-to-leave. In order to determine the motivators, a focus group study as a qualitative research method was performed.

Keywords: Innovative Behavior, Conflict With Co-Workers, Intent-To-Leave, Focus Group Method, Mixed Method

JEL Classification: M12, M14

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