Color Selection in Brand Management: Color Clustering Model

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Color Selection in Brand Management: Color Clustering Model
Author(s): Doğuş Yüksel
Volume: 14
Number: 3
Year: 2023
Page: 433-444
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2023.424
Color choice is crucial in branding. Starting with logo design, brands use a consistent color theme across all corporate identity and marketing materials. This applies both to newly established brands and their repositioning processes. Consumers are constantly exposed to the visual elements of brands through traditional and digital media channels. Herein, consumers have a color perception developed towards brands, products, and sectors. Today’s technology makes it possible to determine the colors that consumers are most exposed to in a particular subject. Determining those colors has a role in influencing the color decision in the branding process. To this end, the research aims to present a model proposal for color selection in brand management. The model presented is explained with a case analysis. In the analysis, a database was created for the banking sector, the obtained images were analyzed using the “k-means” clustering method, and the five most commonly used colors in the banking sector were identified. This study is one of the first in Turkish literature to systematically present outcomes regarding brand color selection and propose a color selection model.

Keywords: Color, Brand Management, Marketing Communication, Sensory Marketing, Color Clustering Model

JEL Classification: M30, M31, M37 Full Text ( 1236)
