Category: Manuscript2

Demographic Factors that affect the Entreprenuership Intentions of Students in Tourism Department: Comparison of Two State Universities

Demographic Factors that affect the Entreprenuership Intentions of Students in Tourism Department: Comparison of Two State Universities

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Demographic Factors that affect the Entreprenuership Intentions of Students in Tourism Department: Comparison of Two State Universities
Author(s): Gulsevim Yumuk Gunay
Volume: 7
Number: 3
Year: 2016
Page: 155-170
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016321814
Recently, entreprenuership is one of the most important subjects. Because most countries are aware that they can achieve economic development and growth by the help of entreprenuership. Therefore, these countries try to create tangible and intangible opportunities that would unfold entreprenuership potential. Turkey needs entreprenuers in tourism sector. It is important for Turkey to lead their students who studies in tourism department to entreprenuership because of abundance in touristic destinations and labor-intensive characteristics of the tourism sector. In this study, entreprenuership intentions of students in tourism departments at Afyon Kocatepe University and Trakya University are compared, and similarities and differences in students’ entreprenuership intentions are put forth. For this purpose, Cronbach Alpha is used to test the reliability of the study, and Kruskal Wallis analysis is conducted to test the impact of demographic factors on the entreprenuership intentions of students. The similarities of demographic factors that affect the students’ entreprenuership intentions of both universities are seen on the same age groups and same objectives (establishing their own businesses, not considering to work in state agencies), and differences are observed in terms of gender and grades (semester). One of the important findings of the study is that entreprenuership education at Trakya University affected the entreprenuership intentions of the students partially and for a short period of time.
Keywords: Entrepreneur,Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Intention
JEL Classification: M16, M53 Full Text ( 2215)


Nostalgia from the Younger Generation Perspective: The Impact of Nostalgia Advertising on Postmodern Individuals

Nostalgia from the Younger Generation Perspective: The Impact of Nostalgia Advertising on Postmodern Individuals

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Nostalgia from the Younger Generation Perspective: The Impact of Nostalgia Advertising on Postmodern Individuals
Author(s): Ebru Guzel, Elif Yolbulan Okan
Volume: 7
Number: 3
Year: 2016
Page: 137-154
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016321813
Companies need to find new branding and marketing strategies to overcome the problems rising from the intense competition in every sector and increasing consumer expectations. While searching for new tactics to attract consumers’ attention and moreover position their brand in the mind and hearts of their target groups, nostalgia and retro marketing offers many advantages. The rising trend of nostalgia in advertisements revealed the necessity of investigating effectiveness. The aim of this study is to determine the nostalgia trend among postmodern individuals who are born between 1980-1985, and analyze their approach to nostalgia theme used in advertisements. Survey method is used to examine the nostalgia proneness and effectiveness of nostalgia advertisements. According to findings, personal and interpersonal nostalgia is more prominent among respondents and nostalgia ads are effective in triggering consumers emotions rather than directing their consumer behavior.
Keywords: Nostalgia, Nostalgia Advertising, Retro Advertising
JEL Classification: M37, M30 Full Text ( 2691)


A Research on the Measurement of Consumer Based Brand Equity in Automobile Sector

A Research on the Measurement of Consumer Based Brand Equity in Automobile Sector

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: A Research on the Measurement of Consumer Based Brand Equity in Automobile Sector
Author(s): Cagatan Taskin
Volume: 7
Number: 3
Year: 2016
Page: 125-136
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016321812
In today’s consumer oriented markets, companies should have a privileged position in target markets’ memories in order to preserve and increase their market shares. Increasing intense competition forces companies to invest on their brands more. Companies should know the dimensions that affect consumer based brand equity and should form strategies that can improve these dimensions. There is severe competition in automobile sector like in other sectors. Automobile companies are evaluated to have sustainable strategic advantage if they find the most important dimensions that affect consumer based brand equity and improve them. The aim of this study is to explore the relationships between consumer based brand equity of a foreign automobile brand, and its dimensions by means of structural equation modeling and to propose marketing strategies according to the modeling results. Convenience sampling method is used in the research and 394 questionnaires are collected for the analysis. According to the research findings, it is obtained that after sales service has a positive impact on perceived quality and consumer based brand equity; brand associations and perceived quality dimensions have a positive impact on the brand loyalty and brand loyalty has a positive impact on consumer based brand equity.
Keywords: Consumer Based Brand Equity, Structural Equation Modeling, After Sales Service, Automobile Sector, Bursa
JEL Classification: M30, M31 Full Text ( 2053)


The Impact of Brand Value on Stock Returns: A Empirical Reseach on the BİST

The Impact of Brand Value on Stock Returns: A Empirical Reseach on the BİST

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Impact of Brand Value on Stock Returns: A Empirical Reseach on the BİST
Author(s): Ali Bayrakdaroglu, Cagatay Mirgen
Volume: 7
Number: 3
Year: 2016
Page: 111-123
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016321811
Brands and branding have come into prominence nowadays and become a must of products and services. This situation lead the need for calculation of brand value. Evaluation of brand value as a financial performance criteria in modern business brings if brand value has an impact on share earning into question. This study aims at presenting whether the brand value of a company affects the share earnings. For this, panel regression was performed considering the brand values and share earnings of companies selected from Brand Finance and İstanbul Stock Exchange. As a result, it was reached that there is a significant and positive relationship between brand value and share earning.
Keywords: Value, Brand Value, Valuation Method of Brand, BİST, Panel Data Regression
JEL Classification: C33, G12, G32, M31 Full Text ( 2390)


The Relationships Among Earnings Management, Independent Audit Opinion and Audit Firm Switch: A Research on Manufacturing Industry at Borsa İstanbul

The Relationships Among Earnings Management, Independent Audit Opinion and Audit Firm Switch: A Research on Manufacturing Industry at Borsa İstanbul

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Relationships Among Earnings Management, Independent Audit Opinion and Audit Firm Switch: A Research on Manufacturing Industry at Borsa İstanbul
Author(s): Murat Ocak
Volume: 7
Number: 3
Year: 2016
Page: 89-110
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016321810
In this paper, firstly the relationship between accruals/real transactions based earnings management and audit opinion is investigated. Secondly, the effect of prior modified audit opinion on audit firm switch is investigated. 1121 firm’year observations on Borsa Istanbul Manufacturing Industry are used. The results show that there is positive and significant relationship between the signed/absolute value of discretionary accruals and modified audit opinion. There is no relationship between the total amount of the abnormal production cost/abnormal operating expenses and modified audit opinion. A positive and significant relationship between prior modified auditor opinion and audit firm switch is determined. Audit rotation regulation has an effect on the audit firm switch in 2013 and companies change their audit firms.
Keywords: Independent Audit Opinion, Accruals Based Earnings Management, Real Activities Based Earnings Management, Audit Firm Switch, Borsa İstanbul
JEL Classification: M40, M41, M42 Full Text ( 2244)


The Effects of Corruption and Democracy on FDI in Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation

The Effects of Corruption and Democracy on FDI in Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Effects of Corruption and Democracy on FDI in Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation
Author(s): Ahmet Ay, Oktay Kızılkaya, Tuba Akar
Volume: 7
Number: 3
Year: 2016
Page: 73-88
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016321809
In this paper, the effects of corruption and democracy on foreign direct investments are examined empirically for 10 developing countries over the period 1995-2013. Panel unit root tests, panel cointegration test, panel FMOLS estimator, and panel vector error correction causality methods are employed in the paper. According to the findings, there is a cointegration relationship among corruption, democracy, and foreign direct investments. Decrease of corruption and increase of democracy level, affect foreign direct investments positively in 10 developing countries which constitute panel, in accordance with evaluating estimate results of cointegration coefficients. According to the findings obtained from the causality analysis, there is unidirectional causality from corruption to foreign direct investments in the short run while there is unidirectional causality from corruption and democracy to foreign direct investments in the long run. These findings support the hypothesis which argue that democracy and corruption have significant effects on foreign direct investments. Today, it can be seen that foreign investors test the trustworthiness of political regime in host country. Reviewing policies towards foreign investors appears as a substantial factor for host countries.
Keywords: Corruption, Democracy, Foreign Direct Investments, Developing Countries, Panel Data Analysis
JEL Classification: D73, C33, D72, F23 Full Text ( 2178)


Economic Determinants of Consumer Inflation in Turkey: ARDL Analysis

Economic Determinants of Consumer Inflation in Turkey: ARDL Analysis

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Economic Determinants of Consumer Inflation in Turkey: ARDL Analysis
Author(s): Dilek Surekci Yamacli, Mustafa Saatci
Volume: 7
Number: 3
Year: 2016
Page: 53-71
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016321808
In this study economic factors that affect consumer prices are examined using the ARDL analysis utilizing monthly data in the period of 2004:01-2015:07 in Turkey. In order to contribute to the literature, CPI, HCPI and ICPI based inflation models are developed, credit card spending is added to the domestic credit volume, weighted average cost of funding is used as an indicator to the interest rate and the effects of the capacity utilization rate and producer prices’ on the inflation are investigated. According to the results of the study, it is found out that lagged values of inflation, capacity utilization rate and producer prices are the main determinants of the consumer price inflation. The impact of the capacity utilization on consumer inflation was found to be higher than the effects of the output gap. The relationship between consumer price inflation and the interest rate in the short and long term are shown to be weak. The increment of inflation in recent years despite the continued increase in interest rates can be explained using this result. In this point of view, effective measures of the reducing of production costs and economic policies restricting the total demand may have a decreasing effect on inflation.
Keywords: CPI, ICPI, HCPI, ARDL Analysis
JEL Classification: E31, C32 Full Text ( 2418)


The Relationship Between Financial Development and Economic Growth: An Analysis On Troubled Ten Countries 1990 -2014

The Relationship Between Financial Development and Economic Growth: An Analysis On Troubled Ten Countries 1990 -2014

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Relationship Between Financial Development and Economic Growth: An Analysis On Troubled Ten Countries 1990 -2014
Author(s): Sumeyra Gazel
Volume: 7
Number: 3
Year: 2016
Page: 39-52
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016321807
This study aims to investigate relationship between financial developments and economic growth for troubled ten countries (Brazil, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, South Korea , Peru, Russia, Thailand, Singapore and Taiwan). In this context, troubled ten countries have been examined with dynamic fixed effects estimator and Common Correlated Effects Mean Group for the years 1990-2014. Gross Domestic Product per Capita was used as a proxy for economic growth in the study. On the other hand, Broad Money, Gross Capital Formation and Domestic Credit to Private Sector (% of GDP) are used as proxies for financial development. The results point to different for the long and short term. The results demonstrate that there isn’t a relationship between financial development and economic growth in the context of analyzed long-term. However, it is possible to say that there is a weak positive relationship between financial development and economic growth in short term.
Keywords: Financial Development, Economic Growth, Troubled Ten Countries, Panel Data Analysis
JEL Classification: C33, E44, O11 Full Text ( 2197)


Financial Performance Evaluation of Turkish Energy Companies with Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS Methods

Financial Performance Evaluation of Turkish Energy Companies with Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS Methods

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Financial Performance Evaluation of Turkish Energy Companies with Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS Methods
Author(s): Kemal Eyuboglu, Pelin Celik
Volume: 7
Number: 3
Year: 2016
Page: 21-37
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016321806
Turkey’s economy has expanded in recent years with the increase in energy consumption. Energy is a key input in production and plays a crucial role in the development of an economy. Energy sector interacts with other sectors hence the performances of energy firms are inevitable to follow-up. In the study thirteen energy firms are evaluated with 5 main and 15 sub-criteria for the period of 2008-2013. The 15 sub-criteria are classified in the following main criteria: liquidity, activity, financial leverage, profitability and growth ratios. The weights of the ratios are determined by Fuzzy AHP and then Fuzzy TOPSIS method is used for the rankings of the energy firms. Traditional multi-criteria decision making methods are not used in this study, due to the fact that they are insufficient under uncertainty. After 2008 global financial crisis, the uncertainty has increased all over the world hence the usage of fuzzy methods can provide better results under these conditions. Findings show that Avrasya Oil, Turcas and Aksu have the highest ranking.
Keywords: Performance Evaluation, Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy TOPSIS, Energy Sector, Multi-Criteria Decision Making
JEL Classification: L61, G11, Q40 Full Text ( 2415)


Impact of Financial Literacy on the Behavioral Biases of Individual Stock Investors: Evidence from Borsa Istanbul

Impact of Financial Literacy on the Behavioral Biases of Individual Stock Investors: Evidence from Borsa Istanbul

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Impact of Financial Literacy on the Behavioral Biases of Individual Stock Investors: Evidence from Borsa Istanbul
Author(s): Sinem Ateş, Ali Coşkun, M. Abdullah Şahin, M. Levent Demircan
Volume: 7
Number: 3
Year: 2016
Page: 1-19
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2016321805
Financial literacy and behavioral biases are critical factors affecting the financial decisions and behaviors of investors. We survey 596 individual stock investors to measure their financial literacy, to examine their behavioral biases and to investigate the relationship between financial literacy and behavioral biases. Results suggest that around half of the investors have a low financial literacy level, their main source of financial information is advice from parents or friends, and they have a high level of behavioral biases. While some of these behavioral biases are independent of the level of financial literacy, there is a significant relationship between a number of other biases and the level of financial literacy.
Keywords: Behavioral Finance, Financial Literacy, Behavioral Bias, Financial Decision, Stock Investors
JEL Classification: G02, G11 Full Text ( 6598)
