Category: Manuscript2

Impact of Working Capital Requirement on Profitability: A Sectoral Analysis

Impact of Working Capital Requirement on Profitability: A Sectoral Analysis

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Impact of Working Capital Requirement on Profitability: A Sectoral Analysis
Author(s): Yuksel Iltas, Selma Erdogan
Volume: 8
Number: 3
Year: 2017
Page: 433-452
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.59
In this study, we aimed to be detected the long term co-integration relationship between , cash conversion cycle, leverage and asset turnover as the determinant of working capital requirements, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Consumer Price Index (CPI) as directly affecting factors of these determinants and return on assets for the 2003-2013 period of Borsa Istanbul ‘s selected four main sectors (metal, food, chemical, and textile). In the study, econometric techniques such as second-generation panel unit root, panel cointegration, long and short term coefficient estimation are used under cross-sectional dependence. The analysis results have proved that the effect of variables on profitability is different in short and long term. According to the Pooled Average Group Estimator results, the coefficients of the long-term cash conversion period, leverage ratio and gross domestic product are statistically significant. According to these results, the prolongation of cash conversion period has a negative effect on profitability; using leverage and increased gross domestic product have a positive impact on profitability. In addition, the Common Correlated Effects Mean Group applied to focus on the long-term relationship and it’s results show that the cash conversion period, leverage ratio and asset turnover rate coefficients are statistically significant.

Keywords: Working Capital, Profitability, Panel Cointegration

JEL Classification: C33, G30, L25 Full Text ( 2844)


Effect of the Political Risk on Capital Asset Valuation in Financial Markets:  The Case of Turkey

Effect of the Political Risk on Capital Asset Valuation in Financial Markets: The Case of Turkey

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Effect of the Political Risk on Capital Asset Valuation in Financial Markets:
The Case of Turkey
Author(s): Cengiz Toraman, Merve Tuncay
Volume: 8
Number: 3
Year: 2017
Page: 413-432
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.58
Recent political events and the subsequent movements in financial markets both in the developing and the developed countries raise the instincts regarding the interaction of political risks and financial markets and increase the importance of understanding the behavior of financial markets against political risks. Therefore the purpose of this study is to explain the impact of political risks on the returns of securities traded on capital markets in Turkey in the framework of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The relation between the monthly returns of 47 companies’ assets being traded on Borsa Istanbul and the political risks in Turkey between the years of 1997 and 2013 is examined in the study. Results of the analysis held by two-step regression method represent that there exists a positive and linear relation between beta and expected return. On the other hand, it is found that 4 out of 12 political risk factors, in other words internal conflict, external conflict, government stability and military in politics have a significant impact on expected return. Contrary to the other three risk factors, only the risk of government stability is found to be positively affecting asset returns.

Keywords: Political Risk, Borsa Istanbul, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Financial Markets, E-views

JEL Classification: C31, C32, E44, G11, G12, P48 Full Text ( 2922)


Foreign Trade Relations between Turkey and BRICS Countries: An Analysis with Input-Output Method

Foreign Trade Relations between Turkey and BRICS Countries: An Analysis with Input-Output Method

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Foreign Trade Relations between Turkey and BRICS Countries: An Analysis with Input-Output Method
Author(s):  S. Mustafa Ersungur, Fusun Celebi Boz, Omer Cinar
Volume: 8
Number: 3
Year: 2017
Page: 395-412
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.57
Increase of the production volume of the economies are necessary for developing countries to compete other developed countries. When production volumes increase, economic growth and also per capita income increase. Therefore developing countries have adopt outward-oriented trade polices to increase income level. When we looked at the relationship between Turkey and BRIC, Russia and China are an important trade partners according to other members of BRIC. China is primary country with highest imports by 12%in 2005 while Russia is the third country by 9.8%. Share of other countries are limited because of geographical distance. In this study foreign trade relation between Turkey and BRIC and key ındutstries of these countries have been tried to evaluate by using 1995, 2000, 2005, 2008 and 2011 datas with Input-Output analysis. According to result of analysis comprise a structure depend on foreign trade dependence for inputs in Turkey in 2000s. We saw that this situation occur partially to the extent terms for other countries in related to different kinds of sectors. Foreign trade dependence for inputs of Turkey continue an important problem and this position diminish structural ınterdependence inter –sectoral in sense of key endusties of Turkısh economy.

Keywords: BRICS Countries, Input-Output Models, Input-Output Tables and Analysis, Key Industries, International Trade

JEL Classification: C67, D57, P33 Full Text ( 3098)


Exchange Rates and Monetary Fundamentals: Evidence from Turkey

Exchange Rates and Monetary Fundamentals: Evidence from Turkey

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Exchange Rates and Monetary Fundamentals: Evidence from Turkey
Author(s): Oguz Tumturk
Volume: 8
Number: 3
Year: 2017
Page: 379-394
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.56
The main purpose of the study is to investigate the predictability of exchange rates by using the long horizon regression approach (or the Error Correction Model) derived from the Vector Error Correction Model for Turkey. The data cover the period over the period of 2001:Q1-2016:Q2 as Turkey has adopted floating exchange rate regime since 2001 crisis. The predictive ability of the long horizon regression was evaluated according to in-sample fit and out-of sample analyses. The in-sample fit results indicate that the fundamentals are useful to explain the long horizon changes in exchange rates under the assumption of country specific money demand elasticities. On the other hand, the out-of sample analysis results present evidence that the Error Correction Model outperforms the Random Walk Model during the forecast period, 2008:Q1-2013:Q2; however, the Random Walk beats the Error Correction Model around 2008 recession period owing to elevated information uncertainty and short termism.

Keywords: Exchange Rates, Monetary Fundamentals, Random Walk, Forecast Errors

JEL Classification: F31, F37, F41 Full Text ( 2712)


Political Instability, Corruption, and Economic Growth: Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries

Political Instability, Corruption, and Economic Growth: Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Political Instability, Corruption, and Economic Growth: Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries
Author(s):  Emin Ahmet Kaplan, Alpaslan Akcoraoglu
Volume: 8
Number: 3
Year: 2017
Page: 363-377
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.55
The major aim of this paper is to examine the empirical relations between economic growth and a broad group of political instability factors including corruption, government instability, internal and external conflicts, religious and ethnic tensions, democratic accountability and bureaucracy quality. Moreover, one of the main objectives of our paper is to explore the effects of serious problems such as political instability and corruption on economic growth for a panel of OECD countries by using the system-GMM (Generalized Method of Moments) estimator during the period 1984-2012. Our findings confirm most of the literature that political instability is negatively associated with economic growth. We found strong evidence in favor of the hypothesis that corruption negatively affects economic growth. Our paper presents strong evidence in favor of the view that government stability and internal and external conflicts are obstacles for rapid economic growth. However, the results of system-GMM estimation indicate that democratic accountability, ethnic and religious tensions and bureaucracy quality have no statistically significant impact on economic growth of OECD countries.

Keywords: Political Instability, Corruption, Economic Growth, Political Conflict

JEL Classification: D72, D73, O43, P48 Full Text ( 13004)


Auditing of Financial Sustainability for Publicly and Non-Publicly Listed Companies and A Research in Bursa

Auditing of Financial Sustainability for Publicly and Non-Publicly Listed Companies and A Research in Bursa

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Auditing of Financial Sustainability for Publicly and Non-Publicly Listed Companies and A Research in Bursa
Author(s): Umit Gucenme Gencoglu, Alp Aytac
Volume: 8
Number: 2
Year: 2017
Page: 349-361
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.54
According to the independent auditing standards, the auditor has to carry out the auditing of the annual report from 2014 and in this regards the financial adequacy of the enterprises, determination of the debt payment power and the operating risks are determined. This process has a positive effect on the financial sustainability of the public sector, which is subject to independent examination since 2005 as it is subject to the Capital Market Law. Since independent auditing process is new for companies outside the capital market, it is possible that adequate measures have not been taken to protect financial continuity in these enterprises. Based on this assumption, in this study, in order to compare financial sustainability of publicly traded and non-publicly traded companies which operate in Bursa and subjected to independent audit has been selected. After this selection, these companies’ average ratios of 2014-2015 period was entered to the SPSS 24 statistical program. The evaluation has been made based on Mann Whitney U test which is a non-parametric statistical method. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that there is a significant difference between only the turnover ratios, the turnover rate of return on equity and the return on equity ratio among publicly traded and non-publicly traded companies in Bursa.

Keywords: Financial Sustainability, Independent Auditing, Publicly-listed Companies, Non-publicly Listed Companies

JEL Classification: M40, M41 Full Text ( 2379)


The Impact of The Employees’ Organizational Justice and Burnout Levels on Perceptions of Organizational Silence

The Impact of The Employees’ Organizational Justice and Burnout Levels on Perceptions of Organizational Silence

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Impact of The Employees’ Organizational Justice and Burnout Levels on Perceptions of Organizational Silence
Author(s): Kemal Erogluer, Recep Caner Erselcan
Volume: 8
Number: 2
Year: 2017
Page: 325-348
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.53
Employees in organizations that are important actors of social life are the basic element of organizational success. Accomplishment of an organization is closely tied to the management applications to be followed. Perception of employees on justice of organizational operations and procedures affect their support and participation in the processes Employee’ perception of organizational justice may have impact on burnout levels. It can be argued that low employee perception of justice can lead to increase in the level of burnout and decrease of their support and attandance tol procedures and diminishs with the time being finally causes employee silence. This study has been made on 209 employees of three manufacturing company which are operating in İzmir, Bursa and Balıkesir. Obtained data has been evaluated by the corelation, regression analyzes and decriptive stastistics. In this study following results have been reached; sub-dimensions of organizational justice affected emotional burnout, depersonalization and decline in personal sense of achievement negatively and sub-dimensions of organizational justice affect the employee silence negatively, although depersonalization and sense of decline in personal achievement affect employee silence positively. It is thought that the number of studies that deal with these three subjects is very limited and it will contribute in this sense.

Keywords: Organizational Justice, Burnout, Employee Silence, Manufacturing Sector

JEL Classification: M10, M12, J53 Full Text ( 2508)


Business’ Perceptions and Attitudes in Transition Process to Green and Low-Carbon Economy: Bursa Case Study

Business’ Perceptions and Attitudes in Transition Process to Green and Low-Carbon Economy: Bursa Case Study

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Business’ Perceptions and Attitudes in Transition Process to Green and Low-Carbon Economy: Bursa Case Study
Author(s): Yasemin Kaya, Sevda Gursakal
Volume: 8
Number: 2
Year: 2017
Page: 305-324
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.52
Green economy has become a central concept with the advent of the arguments contending green investments should take precedence in order to both prevent crisis and revitalize economies especially after the 2008 economic crisis. Green economy is regarded as an approach that presents significant opportunities in rendering the growth more inclusive and sustainable as well as invigorating the economy via investment in new green sectors, increasing productivity of resources and enabling the decarbonation of existing sectors. However green economy requires fundemental changes and a different perception in various venues such as international relations, private and public sector policies, personal behaviors and attitudes. In this study, transition to the green economy has been evaluated from the perspective of private sector since private organisations are viewed as the ones that should play a role. The study intends to inquire whether the private sector institutions are willing to carry out the expected transition or posses a voluntary attitude towards it. A survey form has been prepared to measure it and implemented to 134 firms of various scales and sectors in 8 orginized industrial zones in Bursa. First a coneceptual framework has been laid out for the green economy and then survey results has been analyzed.

Keywords: Green Economy, Low-Carbon Economy, Sustainable Development, Bursa, Green Business

JEL Classification: O13, O40 Full Text ( 2376)


Reflection of Job Stress and Work Life Quality Perception: A Research on Sales Representatives

Reflection of Job Stress and Work Life Quality Perception: A Research on Sales Representatives

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Reflection of Job Stress and Work Life Quality Perception: A Research on Sales Representatives
Author(s): Ismail Dulgeroglu, Oguz Basol
Volume: 8
Number: 2
Year: 2017
Page: 293-304
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.51
The behavior of employees is shaped by the standards of the workplace. While the good conditions offered at the workplace motivate employees, the bad conditions have a negative effect on employees. Examining employee behavior in the service sector, which is one of the important areas of the economy, is an important situation for revealing both macroeconomic balances and employee behavior. In this context, the current research aims to reveal the relations among job satisfaction, job performance and turnover intention of the perceptions of job stress and work life quality of sales representatives, working in Kirklareli. According to the results of the survey, conducted with the participation of 128 sales representatives, there is a negative relation between job stress and job satisfaction; a positive relation between job stress and job turnover intention; a positive relation between work life quality and job satisfaction; a positive relation between work life quality and job performance and a negative relation between work life quality and turnover intention. Finally, it is concluded that there is no relationship between job stress level and job performance.

Keywords: Job Stress, Job Performance, Work Life Quality, Job Satisfaction, Job Turnover İntention, Sales Representatives

JEL Classification: M30, M12 Full Text ( 2773)


The Consequences of Consumer Engagement in Social Networking Sites

The Consequences of Consumer Engagement in Social Networking Sites

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Consequences of Consumer Engagement in Social Networking Sites
Author(s): Abubakar Lujja, F. Zeynep Ozata
Volume: 8
Number: 2
Year: 2017
Page: 275-291
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.50
Consumer Engagement is increasingly becoming one of the important issues in the competitive business environment and with its unique features and structure, Social Networking Sites offer an upper advantage to build consumer brand relationships and instant consumer engagement. This study set out to determine the consequences of consumer engagement in social networking sites. Consumer engagement was viewed as a multi-dimensional concept comprising behavioral, cognitive and emotional dimensions and as such the hypotheses were aimed at determining how each of the three dimensions of consumer engagement affect the individual consequences of consumer engagement such as brand loyalty, satisfaction, commitment and trust. The study used a quantitative research design. It used a questionnaire survey to collect data from university students. Facebook is chosen as a case for this study. 400 questionnaires were collected and the analyses were conducted with the 387 valid questionnaire. The results suggest that emotional and behavioral engagement dimensions were significant predictors for brand loyalty; emotional engagement for satisfaction, cognitive and behavioral engagement for commitment, while behavioral and emotional engagement dimensions were found to be significant predictors for trust.

Keywords: Consumer Engagement, Social Networking Sites, Loyalty, Trust, Satisfaction

JEL Classification: M31, L86 Full Text ( 2650)
