In this study, the moderating effect of turnover intention on the relationship between careerism and compulsory citizenship behaviors was investigated. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of careerism, as an individual level orientation, on the compulsory citizenship behaviors, and the moderating effect of turnover intention on this relationship. Accordingly, the study was conducted on the 330 bankers, who work in private banks in Istanbul. Data were gathered by using convenient sampling method with survey technique. The data were analyzed with exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis by using SPSS along with PROCESS which is a macro for examining different levels of moderator variable, developed for the test of complex relations among the multiple variables. Findings indicate that careerism is one of the positive and statistically significant predictors of compulsory citizenship behaviors. Moreover, the moderating effect of turnover intention on the careerism-compulsory citizenship behaviors relationship is also statistically significant, such that the positive effect of careerism on the compulsory citizenship behaviors is stronger when the level of turnover intention is low. Managerial and practical implications, as well as further research directions, are provided which will be deemed as useful both for academicians and industry professionals. |