Category: Manuscript2

The Effects of In-App Mobile Ads Types on The Attitude Towards and Acceptance of Ads

The Effects of In-App Mobile Ads Types on The Attitude Towards and Acceptance of Ads

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Effects of In-App Mobile Ads Types on The Attitude Towards and Acceptance of Ads
Author(s): Mutlu Yuksel Avcilar, Banu Kulter Demirgunes, Gulhan Yenilmez
Volume: 9
Number: 4
Year: 2018
Page: 923-943
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.148
The widespread use of smartphones has increased the level of usage of in-app mobile ads. In order to use in-app mobile ads effectively, it is important to identify the consumers’ attitudes towards in-app ads, the value they perceive in-app ads and the factors that might affect the level of acceptance of the in-app mobile ads. This study tests the factors affecting mobile advertising acceptance for three different mobile advertising types. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the in-app mobile ads on the attitude toward in-app mobile ads, the value they perceive, and acceptance of in-app mobile ads. The data were collected from the 550 smartphone users living in Ankara by using convenience sampling and face-to-face survey method. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the relations among variables. Analysis results revealed that the attitude towards and value perceived from in-app mobile advertisements have positive effects on the acceptance of in-app mobile advertising. Besides, analysis results revealed that interactivity, entertainment, and reliability are the most effective factors on the attitude and the most effective factor on the perceived value is the attitude. Moreover, analysis results indicated that for the banner ads the attitude has the highest impact on the perceived value. Finally, it is found that perceived ads value has the highest impact on the acceptance of in-app mobile advertising for the interactive transition (video) ads.

Keywords: Mobile Ad, Attitude Towards Mobile Ad, Perceived Value of Mobile Ad, Types of Mobile Ad, Accepting Mobile Ad

JEL Classification: M30, M31, M37 Full Text ( 2685)


“Networking Mechanisms” at the Beginning of the Internationalization Process

“Networking Mechanisms” at the Beginning of the Internationalization Process

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: “Networking Mechanisms” at the Beginning of the Internationalization Process
Author(s): Cigdem Baskici, Yavuz Ercil
Volume: 9
Number: 4
Year: 2018
Page: 911-922
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.147
In our study, the networking mechanisms that the Turkish companies use for internationalization is aimed to reveal. For this purpose, a quantitative research has been carried out on small and medium sized companies that have export certificates from Ankara between 01.01.2018-30.03.2018. Findings from 90 companies operating in various sectors reveal that firms mainly benefit from 3 types of networking mechanisms in internationalization. The vast majority of companies (52.2%) use the networks that they strategically formed. This can be interpreted that companies can form network for internationalization actively. The other two widespread networking mechanisms are using social relationships with current acquaintance (23.3%) and business relationships with existing customers/suppliers (13.3%). A little tendency of using networks that could be created with the support of public institutions is determined among the companies. Nevertheless, companies do not use the possible contributions of umbrella organizations in forming networks for internationalization. Although public institutions and umbrella organizations intensively pursue their support for exporting, such a situation can be seen as a result of the fact that companies do not have sufficient knowledge of the support provided. The findings make it possible for companies as the decision makers, and public institutions and professional organizations as policy makers to develop various suggestions.

Keywords: Internationalization Process, International Management, Internationalization Strategy, Network Relations, Networking

JEL Classification: M10, M16, L21, D85, L14 Full Text ( 2543)


An Investigation of the Entrepreneurial Tendency in terms of Demographic Variables

An Investigation of the Entrepreneurial Tendency in terms of Demographic Variables

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: An Investigation of the Entrepreneurial Tendency in terms of Demographic Variables
Author(s): Ayhan Yalcinsoy, Cenk Aksoy
Volume: 9
Number: 4
Year: 2018
Page: 901-909
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.146
The research was conducted on students studying at a public university. The entrepreneurial tendencies of the students in the survey were examined in terms of demographic variables. The data used in the research were obtained by questionnaire method. The data obtained with the participation of 2299 students were subjected to t-test, ANOVA and frequency analyzes with SPSS 18.0 statistical program. As a result of the analysis; significant relationships were found between educational status, age, gender, and entrepreneurial tendencies. It was found that there was a significant difference between educational status and entrepreneurial tendencies that entrepreneurial tendencies of associate and graduate students were higher than others. It was found that there was a significant difference between the age of students and entrepreneurship trends that entrepreneurial tendencies of those aged between 20-24 years were found to be higher than those of the other age groups. Moreover, there is a significant difference between students’ genders and entrepreneurial tendencies that men’s entrepreneurial tendencies are higher than women’s entrepreneurial tendencies. There was no significant relationship between the income status of the demographic variables and the class of the student and entrepreneurial tendencies.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Tendencies, University, Demographic Variables

JEL Classification: L26, J13 Full Text ( 2318)


The Effects of Social Responsibility Activities on Stakeholders’ Purchase Intention

The Effects of Social Responsibility Activities on Stakeholders’ Purchase Intention

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Effects of Social Responsibility Activities on Stakeholders’ Purchase Intention
Author(s): Cagla P. Bozoklu
Volume: 9
Number: 4
Year: 2018
Page: 889-900
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.145
Following the anti-globalization movement, an ideology, which reflects a climate of defiance toward businesses, has spread out to the societies. Thereby, corporates have begun to engage in socially responsible behaviors not only to meet stakeholder expectations, but also to achieve their goal-oriented considerations. This research aims to analyze effects of corporates’ social and environmental responsibility activities on the purchase intentions of stakeholders by integrating the perspectives of obligations. Corporate Reputation Scale was conducted to most important stakeholder groups (customers, employees, rival corporates’ employees and public) by using purposive and random sampling methods. For the reliability measurement, a pre-test was conducted on 112 participants and during the research 680 questionnaires were gathered. Results reveal that the reflections of CSR image can differ according to the market. In the banking market, both making efforts for creating new jobs (economic obligation), taking responsibility on environmental issues (social obligation) and reducing its profits to ensure a clean environment (ethical obligation) are valuable. In the air transportation market social and economic obligations are perceived as significant by stakeholders whereas in the communication market social and ethical obligations are perceived as significant.

Keywords: Social Responsibility, Environmental Responsibility, Stakeholder, Purchase Intention, Turkey

JEL Classification: G21, L10, L21, L80, M14, Q56 Full Text ( 2166)


Human Energy at Work and a Research on Identifying the Antecedents

Human Energy at Work and a Research on Identifying the Antecedents

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Human Energy at Work and a Research on Identifying the Antecedents
Author(s): Ali Bayram
Volume: 9
Number: 4
Year: 2018
Page: 871-888
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.144
Occurring increases in human energy provide to increase organizational outputs such as performance rising, formation of positive feeling and high motivation. Because of these advantages provided by an organizational perspective, being high of employees’ energy levels is extremely important for foundations. In this study, it is tried to reveal how a relation there is between organizational justice, job satisfaction, person-job fit, person-organization fit, leader-member exchange theory, burnout concepts and human energy. A survey that was formed in parallel with purpose of the research applied to 1750 employees from several enterprises operating Kayseri province in Turkey. As a result of multiple regression analyses that were made by the data obtained, it was confirmed that the organizational justice, job satisfaction, person-job fit, person-organization fit, leader-member exchange theory have a positive effect and burnout has a negative effect on the human energy.

Keywords: Human Energy, Human Energy at Work, Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction, Person-Job Fit, Person-Organization Fit, Leader-Member Exchange Theory, Burnout

JEL Classification: D23, M12, J24 Full Text ( 2126)


Sources and Predictors of Work-Family Conflict: A Multidimensional Study across European Countries and Turkey

Sources and Predictors of Work-Family Conflict: A Multidimensional Study across European Countries and Turkey

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Sources and Predictors of Work-Family Conflict: A Multidimensional Study across European Countries and Turkey
Author(s): Ozge Demiral
Volume: 9
Number: 4
Year: 2018
Page: 855-870
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.143
Addressing the lack of cross-national and multidimensional research in the relevant literature, this paper examines the relationships between two sources and various predictors of work-family conflict of employees by utilizing a three-year discreet dataset of 23 European countries and Turkey. Stress sources of work-family conflict are proxied by number and inflexibility of working hours whereas their predictors are represented by career advancement opportunity, business internationalization, paid parental leave scheme, governmental family support, and prevalence of employees’ technology use. Additionally, cultural origins of social support are also controlled using both value and regional clusters of national cultures. Results from fixed-effect model estimation reveal that average annual hours worked per employee are negatively related to career advancement opportunity and technology adoption whereas business internationalization and paid parental leave opportunities cause longer working hours. Inflexible working is negatively associated with all variables except for the insignificant impact of technology adoption. The culture was found mattering for work-family conflict but explaining the variations in working hours and inflexible scheduling differently. The study concludes with suggestions for future research and implications based on findings and limitations.

Keywords: Work-family conflict, Working hours, Inflexible working, Family domain, Border

JEL Classification: C30, D70, J10, J20 Full Text ( 2379)


Reflections of Industrial Revolution on Work Life in England and Its Projections in Literature: An Analysis on Charles Dickens’s Hard Times

Reflections of Industrial Revolution on Work Life in England and Its Projections in Literature: An Analysis on Charles Dickens’s Hard Times

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Reflections of Industrial Revolution on Work Life in England and Its Projections in Literature: An Analysis on Charles Dickens’s Hard Times
Author(s): Hatice Ozutku, Yasemin Tekinkaya, Tuba Vural
Volume: 9
Number: 4
Year: 2018
Page: 839-853
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.142
The Industrial Revolution, which began in England in the eighteenth century, is the result of a long period of social and economic evolution extending into the late Middle Ages. Apart from its several favorable outcomes, Industrial Revolution caused some undesirable outcomes for working life. The aim of this study is to inspect Dickens’s Hard Times which can be counted as one of the preliminary works that reflected on effects of Industrial Revolution on working life with a critical perspective within the scope of administrative mentality of that time. Within this context, scientific works which focused on the intellectual foundations of the industrial era and Dicken’s Hard Times are taken into consideration for the conceptional framework of the study. Qualitative research approach has been adopted to the study and through the inspection of the novel, the main perspectives which make up the foundations of management mentality have been evaluated. As a result of this study, it is seen that positivitism, economy science and utilitarianism have been influential in the management concept and practices of the Industrial Revolution era. In Hard Times, Dickens propounds the negative effects of these perspectives which can be useful for the humankind when used for good causes.

Keywords: Industrial Revolution in England, History of Management, Charles Dickens, Hard Times, Positivism, Work Life

JEL Classification: B00, M00, L00 Full Text ( 12988)


A Fuzzy Approach Proposal in the Solution of Multi Objective De Novo Programming Problems and A Business Application

A Fuzzy Approach Proposal in the Solution of Multi Objective De Novo Programming Problems and A Business Application

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: A Fuzzy Approach Proposal in the Solution of Multi Objective De Novo Programming Problems and A Business Application
Author(s): Nurullah Umarusman
Volume: 9
Number: 4
Year: 2018
Page: 825-838
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.141
Instead of optimizing a given system, De Novo Programming is a method based on Linear Programming and designs an optimal system in terms of budget constraints. The reorganized resource amounts are utilized at full capacity with De Novo design, which increases the fulfilment levels of goal functions. While classical optimization problems are modelled with precise data, more flexible results are acquired by defining parameters using fuzzy set theory. Flexibility in resource amounts enables especially medium term production planning. As the flexibility in resource amounts reverberates the budget, it is necessary to define the resource amounts to be used at full capacity. With a proposal of a new approach, this study investigates how the optimal production plan of a real business should be carried out based on Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Programming. The most distinctive feature of the proposed method is that it does not use the concepts of positive and negative ideal solutions; instead, it utilizes the target function values acquired in regards to the upper and lower limits of the budget.

Keywords: Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Programming, Fuzzy De Novo Programming, De Novo Programming, Optimal System Design

JEL Classification: C61, M11 Full Text ( 2299)


Sorting of Level 1 Regions According to Competition Power in Unemployment Reduction

Sorting of Level 1 Regions According to Competition Power in Unemployment Reduction

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Sorting of Level 1 Regions According to Competition Power in Unemployment Reduction
Author(s): Inci Parlaktuna, Inci Saricicek
Volume: 9
Number: 4
Year: 2018
Page: 811-823
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.140
Unemployment, defined as a chronic issue of the global economy, causes countries to focus more on policies that will reduce unemployment. Although Turkey has increased her economic performance in last years, she cannot create sufficient employment to reduce unemployment. This result and high unemployment rates show that the developed and implemented policies cannot reach the desired success. Thus, it is necessary to reconsider these policies from a different point of view. The basic condition for creating a strong economy is to increase the competitive power of the economy. On the other hand, regional competitiveness is related to sustainable and relatively higher ability to generate factor income and factor employment. In this context, production factors of the region play an important role in determining competitive power. Unemployment is considered to be one of the obstacles of the regions to increase competitive power. Aim of this study is to sort the Turkey’s NUTS Level 1 regions with multiple criteria decision making technique by taking into account the competitiveness factors. Factors determining competitiveness; labor productivity in manufacturing industry, R&D human power, industrial export rate, and number of entrepreneurs were taken as unemployment reducing factors. The results show that the R&D human power and number of entrepreneurs affect the ranking of the regions.

Keywords: Unemployment, Regional Competition, Regional Development, Multidisciplinary Decision Making, Manufacturing Industry

JEL Classification: J08, R13, C38, L60 Full Text ( 2159)


Examination of the Relationship among Budget Deficit, Money Supply and Inflation in Turkey: 1971-2016 Period

Examination of the Relationship among Budget Deficit, Money Supply and Inflation in Turkey: 1971-2016 Period

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Examination of the Relationship among Budget Deficit, Money Supply and Inflation in Turkey: 1971-2016 Period
Author(s): F. Ozlem Alper
Volume: 9
Number: 4
Year: 2018
Page: 799-810
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2018.139
It is quite important to determine the factors, as well as their impacts, that cause inflation which is defined as the continuous increase in the general level of prices regarding countries. There is a serious dispute over the determinants of inflation in the literature. Traditional models assert that inflation is a monetary phenomenon and that an independent central bank would provide price stability. Nonetheless, the supporters of the price level’s fiscal theory emphasize that the changes in the general level of prices are caused by the implementation of fiscal policy which is also important for ensuring price stability. In this study, the relationship among budget deficit, money supply, and inflation in Turkey is examined using the Bayer-Hanck Cointegration approach over the period 1971-2016. The analysis results indicate the existence of a long-term relationship between the variables. A 1% increase in both the money supply and the budget deficit would increase inflation by 0.82% and 0.64%, respectively.

Keywords: Budget Deficit, Money Supply, Inflation, Cointegration

JEL Classification: E31, O23, C32 Full Text ( 2583)
