Category: Manuscript2

The Effect of Emotional Exhaustion on Workplace Ostracism and Job Insecurity in North Cyprus Hotel Industry

The Effect of Emotional Exhaustion on Workplace Ostracism and Job Insecurity in North Cyprus Hotel Industry

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Effect of Emotional Exhaustion on Workplace Ostracism and Job Insecurity in North Cyprus Hotel Industry
Author(s): Mehmet Necati Cizreliogullari, Ozlem Altun, Pinar Barut
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1167-1178
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.228
The aim of this study is to investigate the mediating effects of employee emotional exhaustion (EE) on workplace ostracism (WO) and job insecurity (JI) using the theory of resource conservation. In this research, structural equality modeling was conducted through 211 questionnaires, working in Hotels in Northern Cyprus. For data analysis used Microsoft Excel and Statistical Software Programs including SPSS and AMOS. The study results show that the gradual convergence of emotional exhaustion due to incapacity can lead to an increase in negative effects on job insecurity or ostracism in the workplace which gradually increases over time, impacting negatively on and ultimately increasing workplace ostracism. Although, the studies on exhaustion and insecurity in the workplace increase, “the individual perceives that they are ignored or excluded by others”, furthermore, there has not been sufficient attention on the effects of emotional exhaustion workplace ostracism and group unemployment. Therefore, this study will lead to future studies.

Keywords: Workplace, Ostracism, Emotional Exhaustion, Job Insecurity, Conservation of Resources Theory

JEL Classification: C83, Z32, J83 Full Text ( 2349)


A literature Review on Middle Management/Manager

A literature Review on Middle Management/Manager

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: A literature Review on Middle Management/Manager
Author(s): Sukran Gokce
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1155-1166
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.227
The aim of this study is to contribute to the literature by revealing the middle level management/manager identity and the role of this management level in the organization. It also aims to develop a deeper understanding of the involvement of mid-level management in the process of identification and implementation of strategy and its positive results on performance. In this respect “middle level management/manager” and “roles of middle level managers” and in the context of strategic management and published in the journals in the Google and academic database between 1975-2017 and an overall evaluation of national and International studies was made. First of all, the lack of national studies on this subject is remarkable compared to International Studies. According to the results of the research, all authors agree that mid-level management is a large management group that exists between senior and senior management. In addition, mid-level management/managers differ from other levels at three points: function, organizational structure and the tendency of researchers. Mid-level management/managers have significant overlap between roles and the scope of roles is shaped by organizational context, time and the attitude of managers. Researchers have ignored the role of decision making, especially when emphasizing the role of communication and collaboration of these managers.

Keywords: Middle Management, Middle Manager, Role, Strategic Management

JEL Classification: M10, L25, M12, M15, D04 Full Text ( 3673)


Corporate Reputation and Business Outcomes in Turkey

Corporate Reputation and Business Outcomes in Turkey

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Corporate Reputation and Business Outcomes in Turkey
Author(s): Ozlem Sayilir, Telford Carl Victor
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1143-1153
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.226
The main purpose of this study is to examine how corporate reputation dimensions – management, quality, working brand, corporate social responsibility, emotional commitment, and recognition – correlate with business outcomes. The study utilizes the dataset of “2012 Corporate Reputation Research” conducted by the Reputation Research Center of Turkey (RepMan). The research comprises seven corporate reputation dimensions, five business outcome indicators, and eleven sectors in Turkey. The findings of regression analysis ascertain a strong positive relation between corporate reputation dimensions and business outcome indicators. One can say companies should attempt to improve related reputation components to enhance performance in business outcomes. According to our results, people would like to recommend a company’s product or service if the companies are good in product/service quality. They would like to recommend the company as a work place even for their children if company has good emotional commitment and product and service quality. They will buy long-term stock because of good corporate social responsibility, emotional commitment, and financial strength. Material and moral support for social responsibility projects of a company depend on corporate social responsibility, emotional commitment, financial strength, and quality of management.

Keywords: Corporate Reputation, Business Outcomes, Reputation Research, Turkey, Regression Analysis

JEL Classification: M10, M14 Full Text ( 2042)


Content Analysis in Participation Banking Advertisements

Content Analysis in Participation Banking Advertisements

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Content Analysis in Participation Banking Advertisements
Author(s): Fatma Gul Bilginer Ozsaatci
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1127-1142
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.225
In today’s highly competitive markets, advertisements that are used to address the target audience are used effectively in the promotion and marketing of financial products. Participation banks, which differ in terms of operation and appealing consumer mass, also benefit from TV advertisements. It is important that participation banks give the correct message in their advertisements due to their current characteristics. Since repetitive words and words in advertisements will provide permanence in the mind of the consumer, it is important to select the most appropriate words for the message to be given. The aim of this study is to analyze the messages of the participation banks’ advertisements with different functions in the financial system. For this purpose, the ads of two participation banks carrying out their activities in Turkey since their foundation as participation banks and benefiting from TV ads have been actively analyzed by MAXQDA package program. As a result of the analysis, the gathered number of code is 283, the number of code is 90 and the number of themes is 62 and themes are grouped under organizational and working principles, economic and financial elements, social relations and internal motivation elements, cultural value elements, religious elements, and universal value elements.

Keywords: Participation Banking, Advertising, Content Analysis

JEL Classification: G20, M37 Full Text ( 2561)


Passive Consumers, Vulnerabilities and Public Policies

Passive Consumers, Vulnerabilities and Public Policies

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Passive Consumers, Vulnerabilities and Public Policies
Author(s): Ram Kesavan, Oswald Mascarenhas, Michael D. Bernacchi
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1095-1108
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.224
In this paper we examine a “new” source of consumer vulnerability: the “secondary” consumption of harmful “micro” addictive products and the “primary” consumption of certain “macro” products that are the byproducts of our postindustrial civilization. We define consumer vulnerability of these products in relation to its cognates, disadvantage and detriment, introduce the theory of market imperfections to explain the factual domains of both “micro” and “macro” harmful products to identify the “new” vulnerable consumers, investigate the social concerns surrounding these products, and explore some feasible solutions for protecting them from their vulnerabilities.

Keywords: Consumer Vulnerability, Business Ethics, Market Imperfections, Micro and Macro Harmful Products, Joint-Responsibility

JEL Classification: F60, I10, I30, M30 Full Text ( 2776)


An Applied Analysis on the Presence of Price Bubbles of Real Estate Prices in Turkey

An Applied Analysis on the Presence of Price Bubbles of Real Estate Prices in Turkey

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: An Applied Analysis on the Presence of Price Bubbles of Real Estate Prices in Turkey
Author(s): Omer Iskenderoglu, Saffet Akdag
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1085-1093
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.223
The detection of price bubbles, which are expressed as increases in asset prices due to speculative movements, can provide information regarding potential financial imbalances that may arise in the future. Upon considering that the Mortgage crisis, which is the last international financial crisis and affected the whole world, was caused by the price bubbles in the housing prices, it is of economic importance to determine whether or not such bubbles occur in the housing prices on the national scale. This study aims to determine whether or not price bubbles occur in housing prices in Turkey. In this context, it is tried to be examined whether or not price bubbles occurred in Turkey via the Sup-Augmented Dickey-Fuller and the Generalized Sup-Augmented Dickey-Fuller tests utilizing the monthly data of the real hedonic housing price index obtained from the cities of Ankara, Istanbul, and Izmir over the period from January 2010 to December 2018. According to the study results in both test results, the existence of housing price bubbles in the cities of Istanbul and Izmir is detected. The Sup-Augmented Dickey-Fuller test results indicate that housing price bubbles occur in Ankara, whereas no housing price bubbles are detected in the city according to results obtained from the Generalized Sup-Augmented Dickey-Fuller test.

Keywords: Price Bubble, Hedonic Real Estate Price Index, SADF, GSADF, Turkey

JEL Classification: C22,G12, G17, R31 Full Text ( 2744)


Measuring Systemic Risks in the Turkish Banking Sector

Measuring Systemic Risks in the Turkish Banking Sector

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Measuring Systemic Risks in the Turkish Banking Sector
Author(s): Serkan Sengul, Ensar Yilmaz
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1071-1084
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.222
This paper focused on measuring the systemic risks in Turkey’s banking sector by using two major measures that have been proposed in the literature as conditional value at risk (CoVaR) and marginal expected shortfall (MES). In order to compute the contribution of banking sector to systemic risks, the MES and ΔCoVaR measures are estimated for the six Turkish banks, which are listed, on the Borsa Istanbul (BIST) during 2000–2016 period by using Engle’s dynamic conditional correlation model. The preliminary results of this study show that although the measures provide different rankings for the systemic risk contributions, they turn out to be qualitatively very similar in explaining the cross-sectional differences in systemic risk contributions. Secondly, both systemic risk measures (MES and ΔCoVaR) are analyzed to determine the relationships between some variables associated with bank characteristics (e.g., VaR, size and leverage ratio) and banks’ systemic risk contributions, via simple panel data regression methods.

Keywords: Systemic Risk, DCC (Dynamic Conditional Correlation) Model, MES (Marginal Expected Shortfall), CoVaR (Conditional Value at Risk)

JEL Classification: C23, G21, G28 Full Text ( 2372)


A Two-Way Empirical Investigation on Economic Growth, Public Revenue and Expenditure for Developed and Developing Countries

A Two-Way Empirical Investigation on Economic Growth, Public Revenue and Expenditure for Developed and Developing Countries

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: A Two-Way Empirical Investigation on Economic Growth, Public Revenue and Expenditure for Developed and Developing Countries
Author(s): S. Cagri Esener
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1051-1070
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.221
By focusing on the investigation of long-term, this study aims to examine the relationship between public revenue, government expenditure and economic growth while bearing Wagner’s Law, Peacock-Wiseman’s Displacement Effect, Classical and Keynesian View on fiscal policy in mind. We employed the bootstrap panel Granger causality methodology to analyze the variables and found different linkages between both revenue and spending versus gross domestic product ratios but also some relations within and vice versa. We took a sample of 22 developing and developed countries which are noticeable with their economic activities in the recent era of globalization for the period of 1985-2017. According to the empirical results, for the growth front; public revenue independent variable is much more related or integrated with the dependent GDP variables for some countries while expenditure is also important as a deterministic factor for some others. On the other hand, for the revenue and expenditure case, the results indicate an evidence of a unilateral relationship for four countries which are supporting spend-tax and one other has bidirectional interaction that associated with fiscal synchronization hypotheses. Conspicuously, triggering affection through government expenditure to revenue and a both-way interaction between public revenue to gross domestic product can be expressed.

Keywords: Public Revenue and Government Expenditure, Economic Growth, Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality, Wagner’s Law, Displacement Effect

JEL Classification: H00, H20, H50, O47, C33 Full Text ( 3069)


Interaction of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Turkey: A Dynamic Time Series Data Analysis

Interaction of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Turkey: A Dynamic Time Series Data Analysis

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Interaction of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Turkey: A Dynamic Time Series Data Analysis
Author(s): Asli Guler
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1039-1049
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.220
Monetary and fiscal policies are designed and implemented by different government agencies, each with its own objectives, resources, constraints, and incentives. The actions of monetary authority may affect the fiscal authority’s public debt management and fiscal deficit. On the other side, the fiscal authority’s action also may affect the stance of monetary policy and its results. This paper aims to find the level of fiscal or monetary dominance by evaluating the interaction of monetary and fiscal policies in Turkey for relevant period. For this purpose, it was examined the relationship between inflation rate, monetary policy interest rate, fiscal deficit, public debt in Turkey for 2000 to 2018 by using VAR and ARDL model. According to the results obtained from VAR analysis monetary variables significantly affect fiscal variables. However, there is no evidence of fiscal dominancy on monetary policy. The evidence acquired via ARDL bound test supports these findings. Hereunder, it can be concluded that monetary policy is dominating fiscal policy in the relevant period.

Keywords: Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic, Monetary dominancy, Fiscal Dominancy, Policy Interaction

JEL Classification: E37, E58, E62 Full Text ( 2740)


Middle-Income Trap: The Case of Poland

Middle-Income Trap: The Case of Poland

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Middle-Income Trap: The Case of Poland
Author(s): Bozena Leven
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1029-1038
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.219
The middle-income trap (MIT) describes systemic growth obstacles shared by various countries that occur typically at the middle-income level of their development. The following analysis relies on Rostow’s classification of the stages of economic development. We focus on Rostow stages three and four, where moving from labor intensive, import and foreign direct investment (FDI) driven growth to reliance on high value-added output and exports with embedded high content of capital and technology can render sustainable long-term growth problematic. To examine MIT we study Poland, which has relied on relatively low labor costs, imported technologies, funding from the European Union and FDI to attain middle-income status. A recent slowing in Poland’s growth may signal that it has exhausted some of these growth factors and is more vulnerable to MIT. To assess this vulnerability, we analyze changes in Poland’s factor productivity, investment patterns, FDI, labor force educational attainments, new technology/product development, imports, export diversification, product complexity, and other factors. We conclude that certain conditions consistent with MIT are gaining importance in Poland and represent a challenge to its future economic growth.

Keywords: Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity, International Factor Movements

JEL Classification: F20, O40 Full Text ( 3157)
