Category: Manuscript

The Role of Employee Resilience in the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Career Success: A Field Study in the Logistics Sector

The Role of Employee Resilience in the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Career Success: A Field Study in the Logistics Sector

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Role of Employee Resilience in the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Career Success: A Field Study in the Logistics Sector
Author(s): Hüseyin Çiçeklioğlu
Volume: 15
Number: 2
Year: 2024
Page: 155-170
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2024.439
Considering the challenges faced in today’s industrial working conditions such as career uncertainties, career efforts, and increased competition in the distribution of scarce resources that organizations have, employees need emotional, social, and cognitive abilities to manage these uncertain and stressful events. In line with this need, this study examines the mediating role of employee resilience in the effect of emotional intelligence on career success. Within the scope of the research, data were collected from 182 individuals working in logistics sector companies operating in an integrated manner with Mersin Port using the survey technique, and structural equation modeling was used with the data obtained. The research findings revealed that emotional intelligence directly affects career success and employee resilience. In addition, employee resilience was identified as a partial mediator between all emotional intelligence dimensions and career success.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Career Success, Employee Resilience, Logistic Sector

JEL Classification: M10, M14 Full Text ( 990)


The Effects of Technological Developments in the Construction Sector on the Housing Market: The Case of Ankara Province

The Effects of Technological Developments in the Construction Sector on the Housing Market: The Case of Ankara Province

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Effects of Technological Developments in the Construction Sector on the Housing Market: The Case of Ankara Province
Author(s): Abdurrahman Tursun, Erol Demir
Volume: 15
Number: 2
Year: 2024
Page: 101-127
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2024.438
The housing sector constitutes one of the fundamental components of the construction industry which holds a significant share within national economies. The ability to make successful housing investments is related to the thorough analysis and predictability of housing markets. Recent technological advancements in the construction sector are anticipated to lead to shorter construction completion times. In the study, the potential impact of the shortened construction completion times resulting from technological advancements in the construction sector on housing markets is investigated with a system dynamics approach. The research, limited to Ankara housing market, utilizes quantitative data such as the number of newly sold primary housing units, population and household numbers, building permit statistics, construction cost index (CCI), and domestic producer price index (D-PPI) for the period between 2013 and 2021, alongside qualitative data related to the region. According to the analysis findings, it is determined that in case construction completion times decrease to 3.5 months, fluctuations in monthly housing sales volume will occur within a narrower range. The expedited construction of housing units through evolving construction technologies suggests an alternative path towards achieving more predictable market conditions.

Keywords: Construction Sector, Housing, Housing Market, Construction Technology, System Dynamics

JEL Classification: R30, R31, R39 Full Text ( 1016)


Is Corporate Social Responsibility a Catalyst in Distressed Mergers and Acquisitions? The Indian Evidence

Is Corporate Social Responsibility a Catalyst in Distressed Mergers and Acquisitions? The Indian Evidence

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Is Corporate Social Responsibility a Catalyst in Distressed Mergers and Acquisitions? The Indian Evidence
Author(s): Sulagna Bhattacharya, Kavita Wadhwa
Volume: 15
Number: 2
Year: 2024
Page: 83-100
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2024.437
Our study examines the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) decisions and processes when target firms are financially distressed. We focus on the M&A market in India, where CSR spending is mandatory for firms. We examine three research questions focusing on whether CSR spending and compliance by distressed targets facilitate (i) deal completion likelihood, (ii) acquisition percentage, and (iii) deal completion time. We consider firms’ overall CSR spending, voluntary CSR spending (the portion of overall CSR spending above their prescribed amount), and individual CSR dimensions. Using 375 Indian distressed M&As during 2015-2020, we find that distressed targets are more attractive target choices if they spend more on overall CSR and less on social CSR. Greater acquirer-target CSR similarity favorably impacts deal completion for distressed targets. Secondly, the acquisition percentage is lower when the acquirer and the distressed targets spend more on CSR overall. Lastly, high voluntary CSR spending by the distressed target slows down deal completion, confirming the CSR overinvestment theory. Our results establish the importance of CSR spending, compliance, and individual CSR dimensions on target choice and deal characteristics.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Mergers and Acquisitions, Distressed M&A, Mandatory CSR, Financial Distress

JEL Classification: G33, G34, M14, M48 Full Text ( 1176)


Comparative Analysis of the MCDM Methods with Multiple Normalization Techniques: Three Hybrid Models Combine MPSI with DNMARCOS, AROMAN, and MACONT Methods

Comparative Analysis of the MCDM Methods with Multiple Normalization Techniques: Three Hybrid Models Combine MPSI with DNMARCOS, AROMAN, and MACONT Methods

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Comparative Analysis of the MCDM Methods with Multiple Normalization Techniques: Three Hybrid Models Combine MPSI with DNMARCOS, AROMAN, and MACONT Methods
Author(s): Pembe Güçlü
Volume: 15
Number: 2
Year: 2024
Page: 129-154
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2024.436
Several multi-criteria decision-making methods have been developed to solve complex decision problems encountered in business and daily life. These methods offer a systematic approach to evaluating multiple decision alternatives and conflicting criteria. The normalization stage in the multi-criteria decision-making process is important in evaluating the contribution of criteria or alternatives to the process in a fair, consistent, comparable, and objective way. Various methods employ one or more normalization techniques, and the combined use of multiple normalization techniques allows for a comprehensive analysis. In this study, Double Normalized Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking According to COmpromise Solution (DNMARCOS), Alternative Ranking Order Method Accounting for Two Step Normalization (AROMAN), and Mixed Aggregation by Comprehensive Normalization Technique (MACONT) methods used multiple normalization techniques are compared and evaluated for a robot vacuum cleaner selection problem. The relations of the ranking results were evaluated by correlation analysis. The performance comparisons of the methods were made in terms of the final scores’ standard deviations and the methods’ computational complexity. The findings indicate that DNMARCOS has the best performance among the three methods and MACONT has the lowest performance.

Keywords: Multi-criteria Decision Making, Normalization Techniques, MPSI, DNMARCOS, AROMAN, MACONT

JEL Classification: C44, D81 Full Text ( 1082)


Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on Remote Working

Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on Remote Working

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on Remote Working
Author(s): Selver Yıldız Bağdoğan, Esra Özdemir
Volume: 15
Number: 1
Year: 2024
Page: 67-82
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2024.435
Remote working is an important concept rapidly gaining popularity among today’s working styles, making it possible to work from almost anywhere. Remote working has become the “new normal” with the 2020 pandemic and quarantine processes, and the spread of the internet and technological tools in workplaces has been very effective at this point. The spread of remote working has brought different perspectives on the subject and brought the need to examine emerging problems in detail to the agenda of academic studies. In this context, the study aims to examine the publications on “remote work” to understand the transformation of the field. In order to carry out a detailed examination, the keywords “remote work” and “remote working” were extracted from the Web of Science (WoS) database based on bibliometric and network analysis techniques. As a result of the scanning, a total of 960 studies published between 1982 and 2023 were reached, and various analyses were carried out. The obtained data were visualized with VOSviewer and R programs, which are analysis and visual mapping programs. By examining 960 studies with bibliometric analysis, a pioneer in remote working researchers and countries could be identified. By examining 960 studies with bibliometric analysis, researchers and countries that were pioneers in the concept of remote working were determined, and it was seen that the studies showed diversity and interaction. Finally, it is thought that the gaps in the field will be determined with the data and findings obtained and will guide other researchers.

Keywords: Remote Work, Working Life, Flexibility, Bibliometry, VOSviewer

JEL Classification: M10, M54, O33 Full Text ( 1277)


The Impact of Hopelessness on Perceived Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation

The Impact of Hopelessness on Perceived Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Impact of Hopelessness on Perceived Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation
Author(s): A. Rahim Emhan, Amanda M. Main, Etka Topaloglu, Sinem Guravsar Gokce, Yasin Bez
Volume: 15
Number: 1
Year: 2024
Page: 51-65
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2024.434
The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between hopelessness and organizational performance; and if so, to evaluate the mediating effect of emotion regulation on this relationship. To test this model, hopelessness, organizational performance, and emotion regulation was measured in employees working in the banking sector. In total, 221 employees completed this study and to test research hypothesis structural equation modeling was used. The current study demonstrated that hopelessness has a significant negative relationship with both emotion regulation and organizational performance. It was also found that emotion regulation has a mediating effect on this relationship where higher emotion regulation decreases its strength. Additionally, t-test and ANOVA analyzes were used to reveal differences between demographic variables and study variables. Efforts of employees to develop their emotion regulation abilities in a variety of situations may play an important role in reducing the negative effects of hopelessness and develop the performance of individuals. The current study presents new insights on the mediating effects of emotion regulation on the relationship between hopelessness and individual perceptions of organizational performance.

Keywords: Emotion Regulation, Hopelessness, Organizational Performance, Structural Equation Modeling

JEL Classification: M10, M12, E71 Full Text ( 1268)


Analyzing Profitability Performance with the Integrated MEREC-COBRA Method: The Case of BIST Retail Companies

Analyzing Profitability Performance with the Integrated MEREC-COBRA Method: The Case of BIST Retail Companies

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Analyzing Profitability Performance with the Integrated MEREC-COBRA Method: The Case of BIST Retail Companies
Author(s): Alparslan Oğuz, Haluk Satır
Volume: 15
Number: 1
Year: 2024
Page: 33-50
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2024.433
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the financial performance of retail trade enterprises whose shares are traded on Borsa Istanbul by using profitability ratios. Within the scope of the study, the data of ten retail trade enterprises covering the period 2021-2022 were used. The weight of the performance criteria used in the study was determined by the MEREC method. COBRA method was used to determine the performance ranking among the firms. A two-stage sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the consistency of the analysis results. In the first stage, seven different multi-criteria decision-making methods were used to rank the firms according to their performance. The consistency between the results of the study and the results of other methods was determined by Spearman correlation coefficients. In the second stage, scenarios with different criteria weights were tested. Sensitivity analysis showed that the results were stable and consistent. According to the results of the study, MIPAZ ranked first in profitability performance for both years.

Keywords: Financial Performance, Profitability Ratios, Retail Firms, MEREC, COBRA

JEL Classification: M10, M21 Full Text ( 1077)


Long-term Bank Financing of Productive Investments and Economic Growth in French-speaking African Countries

Long-term Bank Financing of Productive Investments and Economic Growth in French-speaking African Countries

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Long-term Bank Financing of Productive Investments and Economic Growth in French-speaking African Countries
Author(s): Dongho Wamba Tejio Willi Verlaine, Dinah Gembom Phungeh, Takoulac Kamta Marcel
Volume: 15
Number: 1
Year: 2024
Page: 19-32
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2024.432
This study focuses on the influence of long-term bank financing of investments on economic growth in French-speaking African countries over the period 2004-2022. The empirical evaluation of this link is made through a dynamic panel model and the generalized method of moments. The results indicate that long-term bank financing expressed as a percentage of the total credit offered has a positive and significant impact on economic growth in these countries. In addition, gross domestic savings positively and significantly affect economic growth. It seems essential that the public and monetary authorities implement incentive measures to encourage the more significant collection of savings and encourage banks to boost the supply of long-term loans by the more significant transformation of maturities.

Keywords: Long-Term Bank Financing, Productive Investment, Economic Growth, Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)

JEL Classification: G21, O47, C51 Full Text ( 1048)


Economic Cycles and Employment Growth in the WAEMU Zone: An Analysis Using a Non-Linear ARDL Panel Model

Economic Cycles and Employment Growth in the WAEMU Zone: An Analysis Using a Non-Linear ARDL Panel Model

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Economic Cycles and Employment Growth in the WAEMU Zone: An Analysis Using a Non-Linear ARDL Panel Model
Author(s): Vassy Pierre Sangare, Wadjamsse Baudelaire Djezou, Caroline Ble
Volume: 15
Number: 1
Year: 2024
Page: 1-18
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2024.431
The West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) is facing frequent and diverse crises that are affecting economic stability and employment opportunities in the region. It is important to analyze the impact of economic cycles on employment, as the response of employment supply differs during economic growth and contraction. This article uses a lagged non-linear auto-regressive model (NARDL) on panel data from 1990 to 2022, along with various filters, to examine the relationship between employment and business cycles. The study found that there is an asymmetric relationship between economic growth and employment, with the impact of economic recessions being stronger on long-term employment than on short-term employment. The study suggests that countries have not fully utilized their economic potential to benefit employment. To achieve sustainable economic growth and reduce the proliferation of the informal sector, economies should focus their efforts on translating their potential into action.

Keywords: Economic Cycles, Economic Growth, Employment, NARDL Model, WAEMU

JEL Classification: C23, E24, J21, O55 Full Text ( 1162)


Creative Message Strategies Used in the Digital Advertisements: A Content Analysis in the Context of the Six-Segment Message Strategy Wheel

Creative Message Strategies Used in the Digital Advertisements: A Content Analysis in the Context of the Six-Segment Message Strategy Wheel

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Creative Message Strategies Used in the Digital Advertisements: A Content Analysis in the Context of the Six-Segment Message Strategy Wheel
Author(s): Selin Köksal Araç
Volume: 14
Number: 4
Year: 2023
Page: 541-556
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2023.430
The most popular advertisements listed on YouTube Ads Leaderboard Turkey between 2017 and 2022 were examined through content analysis in this study. Advertising contents that attract the most attention by consumers were analyzed based on the “six-segment message strategy wheel”. The digital advertisements were examined within the framework of informative message strategies that are (1) rational, (2) acute, (3) routine and within the framework of transformational message strategies that are (4) sensory, (5) social, and (6) ego. Research findings show that rational, social, sensory, and ego sub-strategies are mainly used in most popular digital advertisements and brands give weight to the transformational strategy as the main creative message strategy. One of the most distinctive features of the most watched digital advertisements is the effective use of music. Rhythmic elements that are compatible with the creative message strategy and that attract the attention of the target audience come to the fore in popular digital advertisements. Research findings are important in terms of defining the basic features of changing advertising and determining the trends in digital advertisements that consumers are most interested in.

Keywords: Digital Advertisement, YouTube Ads, Six Segment Message Strategy Wheel, Creative Message Strategy, Content Analysis

JEL Classification: M31, M37 Full Text ( 1276)
