Category: Manuscript

The Relationship of Export, Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth and Carbon Emission in Turkey

The Relationship of Export, Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth and Carbon Emission in Turkey

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Relationship of Export, Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth and Carbon Emission in Turkey
Author(s): Mine Yilmazer, Batuhan Karabiber
Volume: 13
Number: 2
Year: 2022
Page: 199-220
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.369
In recent years, liberalization of trade and rapid industrialization activities have increased Turkey’s share in carbon dioxide CO2 emissions and global warming, like other emerging market economies. In this context, the research carried out and the measures to be taken are very important for future generations. The aim of this study is to test the effects of exports, foreign direct investments (FDI), and gross domestic product (GDP) on environmental pollution in Turkey. Additionally, the change in the competitiveness of the export of dirty sectors in Turkey in recent years has been examined in the study. In this context, two separate analyzes were carried out. Firstly, the competitiveness in the export of dirty sectors between 1995-2019 was calculated using Balassa (1965)’s Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) Index. It has been determined that Turkey has a comparative advantage in iron-steel, non-metallic minerals, and paper sectors. In the second stage, the ARDL bound test for the existence of a long-term relationship between exports, FDI, GDP, and CO2 emissions between 1974-2019 in Turkey, and the Toda-Yamamoto causality test was applied to determine the direction of the relationship between the variables. According to the findings, exports have a statistically significant effect on CO2 emissions. On the other hand, no strong link and causality relationship was found between FDI and CO2 emissions.

Keywords: Pollution Haven Hypothesis, Revealed Comparative Advantage, Export of Dirty Sectors, Foreign Direct Investments

JEL Classification: F14, F18, F43 Full Text ( 1688)


Relationship with Regional Unemployment and Types of Crime in Turkey: Panel Data Approach

Relationship with Regional Unemployment and Types of Crime in Turkey: Panel Data Approach

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Relationship with Regional Unemployment and Types of Crime in Turkey: Panel Data Approach
Author(s): Mehmet Cinar, Canan Tas
Volume: 13
Number: 2
Year: 2022
Page: 179-197
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.368
In this study, using the 2009-2019 period data for 26 regions of Turkey, the relationship between unemployment and crime types was examined with a panel data approach. In addition, the crime model was analyzed in two categories as against property and life. According to the findings obtained from the analysis results, it was concluded that the relationship between unemployment and crime was positive in the direction of expectations. When evaluated in terms of different crime types, it was revealed that the most common crime type of unemployed individuals was theft, and the least type of crime was insult. When looking at the results of crimes against property and life, it was determined that the increase in unemployment by one thousand increases the crimes against property almost three times compared to crimes against life. In addition, it was determined that the increases in unemployment and divorce increase the tendency to crime, and the increases in income and education reduce the tendency to crime. Furthermore, unemployment, divorce, income, and education variables were all found to be more effective on crimes against property than crimes against life. Although many independent variables were used in the multiple regression model, it was determined that the most effective variable on crime was unemployment.

Keywords: Unemployment, Crime, Fixed Effects Model, Random Effects Model, PCSE

JEL Classification: C23, E24, K42 Full Text ( 3276)


Factors Affecting Combi Boiler Preferences of Consumers: A Study in Context of Technology Acceptance Model

Factors Affecting Combi Boiler Preferences of Consumers: A Study in Context of Technology Acceptance Model

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Factors Affecting Combi Boiler Preferences of Consumers: A Study in Context of Technology Acceptance Model
Author(s): Volkan Ozbek, Izay Tahtaci
Volume: 13
Number: 1
Year: 2022
Page: 159-178
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.367
The main purpose of this research is to determine the factors affecting the combi boiler preferences of consumers within the scope of the Technology Acceptance Model. In the research model, as well as the Technology Acceptance Model variables, there are perceived risk and subjective norm variables that are thought to be effective in combi boiler preference. In order to achieve the research aim, an online questionnaire was applied to 267 people who purchased natural gas combi boilers in the last year, selected by guided sampling method. Structural equation modeling was used in the analysis of the collected data. When the findings obtained as a result of the analyzes were evaluated, it was concluded that the variables of perceived ease of use, perceived benefit, perceived risk, and subjective norm were effective on attitude. In addition, it was observed that the relationship between the attitude variable and the intention variable, which was tested in this study, was positive and statistically significant. In addition, the expected relationship between the subjective norm variable and the perceived benefit variable could not be confirmed in this study.

Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model, Natural Gas Combi Boiler, Perceived Risk, Subjective Norm

JEL Classification: M30, M31 Full Text ( 1736)


A Qualitative Study on Secret Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages: The Case of Izmir

A Qualitative Study on Secret Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages: The Case of Izmir

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: A Qualitative Study on Secret Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages: The Case of Izmir
Author(s): Dogan Basaran, Ayla Ozhan Dedeoglu
Volume: 13
Number: 1
Year: 2022
Page: 143-157
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.366
Secrecy is defined as an act of omission of information from a social environment or inclusion of other information to divert social attention by masking private information. Consumers may need secrecy to protect privacy, conform to the social environment without attracting unwanted attention, and/or avoid discrepancies between actual and ideal, and normative “ought” selves. Secret consumption experiences may differ based on product characteristics and social and cultural context. The present phenomenological study aims to explore the secret consumption of alcoholic beverages, which is described as a demerit good, and was carried out to find out the reasons for confidentiality, how it is experienced in purchasing and consumption practices, and its effects on consumer behavior. Qualitative data analysis was conducted using data collected from a sample of young and educated secret alcohol consumers residing in the province of Izmir. The findings show that participants keep their consumption secret from immediate environment and families. Consumers use various coping strategies that enable protecting their privacy and social identities, while maintaining their consumption at a minimum risk. It has been found that secret alcohol consumption leads to mental preoccupation and reduces satisfaction with consumption.

Keywords: Secret Consumption, Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages, Social Identity, Self-Discrepancy, Preoccupation

JEL Classification: M31, H49 Full Text ( 1571)


The Effect of Halal Product Knowledge, Halal Awareness, Perceived Psychological Risk and Halal Product Attitude on Purchasing Intention

The Effect of Halal Product Knowledge, Halal Awareness, Perceived Psychological Risk and Halal Product Attitude on Purchasing Intention

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Effect of Halal Product Knowledge, Halal Awareness, Perceived Psychological Risk and Halal Product Attitude on Purchasing Intention
Author(s): Abdulkadir Ozturk
Volume: 13
Number: 1
Year: 2022
Page: 127-141
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.365
It is considered that individuals should know the concept of halal and be aware of the conditions that make a product halal in order for consumers to have the intention to purchase halal products. The aim of this study is to find out the attitudes and purchase intentions of consumers towards halal chicken products under the model of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP). It also aimed to determine consumers’ halal awareness of halal chicken products and the effect of perceived psychological risk on purchase intention. The data required for the study were collected from the individuals who purchased chicken using convenience sampling method through an online questionnaire form. The data collection process was completed with the participation of 410 people assumed to represent the universe. The research model and hypotheses between variables were tested using the structural equation modeling method. The results of the analysis show that knowledge about halal products, awareness of halal products, and perceived psychological risk have a significant and positive influence on attitudes toward halal chicken products. In addition, attitudes towards halal chicken products, awareness of halal products, and perceived psychological risk were found to have a significant and positive influence on purchase intention.

Keywords: Halal Product Knowledge, Halal Awareness, Perceived Psychological Risk towards Halal Products, Attitude towards Halal Products, Intention to Purchase Halal Products

JEL Classification: M30, M31 Full Text ( 2405)


The Importance of Personal Reputation in Organizations and Its Benefits to Organizations: A Literature Review

The Importance of Personal Reputation in Organizations and Its Benefits to Organizations: A Literature Review

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Importance of Personal Reputation in Organizations and Its Benefits to Organizations: A Literature Review
Author(s): Benan Gok
Volume: 13
Number: 1
Year: 2022
Page: 109-126
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.364
A personal reputation is a perceptual identity in which an individual shows obvious personal characteristics and achievements and reflects the behavior that the individual reports directly from observed or secondary sources. In today’s competitive world, the concept of reputation is frequently used in organizations. The importance of personal reputation, which is the micro level of reputation, especially has significant effects on an individual’s career, human resources decisions, and business results. It has been determined that the studies on personal reputation in organizations continue to add richness to the relevant literature in the international business literature, and there has not been enough research in the national literature. In this study, the conceptualization of personal reputation, which is seen as inadequate in national business literature, and how reputations are developed and how they spread to an organization are examined through various theories. It is also explained what benefits personal reputation brings to individuals and organizations. Finally, a general assessment was made, and recommendations for future research were presented.

Keywords: Reputation, Personal Reputation, Workplace, Employees, Political Skill, Job Performance

JEL Classification: M12, M19 Full Text ( 1596)


The Effects of Perceived Supervisor Support and Perceived Coworker Support on Organizational Citizenship Behavior

The Effects of Perceived Supervisor Support and Perceived Coworker Support on Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: The Effects of Perceived Supervisor Support and Perceived Coworker Support on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Author(s): Yıldız Tenteriz, Guler Tozkoparan
Volume: 13
Number: 1
Year: 2022
Page: 89-107
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.363
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of perceived supervisor and coworker support on organizational citizenship behavior. The study sample consists of 325 employees working in İzmir Provincial Health Directorate. The survey technique, one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the study. According to the analysis results, it was determined that there is a significant and moderately positive relationship between perceived supervisor support and organizational citizenship behavior. It was concluded that there was a significant and moderately positive relationship between perceived coworker support and organizational citizenship behavior. The concepts of perceived supervisor support, coworker support, and organizational citizenship behavior constitute an important field of study in the literature. A limited number of studies have been found dealing with the relationship between supervisor and coworker perceived during the literature review and organizational citizenship behavior. This study is thought to be important due to its contributions to the literature and the organizations.

Keywords: Perceived Supervisor Support, Perceived Coworker Support, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Health Institution

JEL Classification: M12, M10 Full Text ( 1564)


Evaluating the Linkage Between Employee Training Programmes and Prosocial Organizational Behavior

Evaluating the Linkage Between Employee Training Programmes and Prosocial Organizational Behavior

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Evaluating the Linkage Between Employee Training Programmes and Prosocial Organizational Behavior
Author(s): Hassan R. H. Elkhdr, Aysun Kanbur
Volume: 13
Number: 1
Year: 2022
Page: 75-88
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.362
This study has been conducted to evaluate the effect of employee training programmes on prosocial organizational behaviors. Empirical research was performed with the employees of Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO). Questionnaire technique was used for gathering the data. At this juncture, accepted scales in the literature related to variables were utilized. Prosocial organizational behaviors were identified in the literature as prosocial organizational behavior, role-prescribed prosocial behavior, and prosocial individual behavior while employee training programmes were examined in terms of motivation for training, benefits of training, and support for training. Variables of this study were accepted using these classifications and hypotheses were tested through correlation and regression analyses. All the hypotheses were supported and the findings that have been obtained provide that motivation for training, benefits of training, and support for training have a significantly positive effect on prosocial organizational behaviors of employees working at Libyan oil sector and specifically employees of AGOCO. The findings of the study will be beneficial for the Libyan oil sector and other sectors to improve their strategy regarding employee training programmes and prosocial organizational behaviors.

Keywords: Employee Training Programmes, Motivation for Training, Benefits of Training, Support for Training, Prosocial Organizational Behavior

JEL Classification: M10, M19, M53 Full Text ( 1710)


Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Intrinsic Motivation Scale

Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Intrinsic Motivation Scale

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Intrinsic Motivation Scale
Author(s): Mine Aydemir Dev, Nese Aral, Mehlika Sarac, Nuran Bayram Arli
Volume: 13
Number: 1
Year: 2022
Page: 59-73
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.361
The aim of this study is to investigate the Turkish validity and reliability of the Intrinsic Motiva-tion Scale developed by Kuvaas (2006), Kuvaas and Dysvik (2009), which is used to measure the intrinsic motivation of employees. The sample consists of employees over the age of 18. In order to carry out the validity and reliability study, after the linguistic validation (translate-back translate), a pre-test was applied and the validity of the scale was examined with the help of two different samples (N = 210, N = 262). Both samples consist of employees. The scale was evaluated with five point Likert as in the original. Explanatory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to investigate the factor structure of the intrinsic mo-tivation scale. Cronbach alpha and composite reliability values were calculated for the meas-urement of reliability, and AVE was calculated for convergent validity. As a result of explana-tory factor analysis, factor load values were obtained over 0.50. At the same time, fit indices provided by confirmatory factor analysis results were within the acceptable range. According to results, the Turkish version of the Intrinsic Motivation Scale is a valid and reliable meas-urement tool to conduct researches in the Turkish context.

Keywords: Intrinsic Motivation Scale, Factor Analysis, Validity, Reliability

JEL Classification: J50, C10, C38 Full Text ( 1734)


Financial Bubbles and Bursts by Quarterly Periods in the Three Countries at the Core of 1997 Asian Crisis: South Korea, Philippines, and Thailand (1990-2019)

Financial Bubbles and Bursts by Quarterly Periods in the Three Countries at the Core of 1997 Asian Crisis: South Korea, Philippines, and Thailand (1990-2019)

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Financial Bubbles and Bursts by Quarterly Periods in the Three Countries at the Core of 1997 Asian Crisis: South Korea, Philippines, and Thailand (1990-2019)
Author(s): Cengiz Samur
Volume: 13
Number: 1
Year: 2022
Page: 31-57
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2022.360
The bubble of price, as theoretical, is “too big deviation of asset’s price from its fundamental (intrinsic) value”. In regard to the country, as empirical; (i) financial asset price bubble happens when “a change (increase) in the financial nominal price index (percent) exceeds the sum of inflation and economic growth rates, at least as 25 %”, on the other hand, (ii) the bubble burst happens when there is “a too sharp decline in the financial asset nominal price index”, and when there is a decrease in the index in related to the total of inflation and growth rates, at least as 20%. Since the 2008 Financial Crisis, the debate of “financial bubbles and correct monetary policy” has been blown: Is macroeconomic stability possible in the country without financial stability? Is it required and possible to prevent a bubble formation and its growth? What should the Central Bank do? How should the monetary policy respond to the bubbles? The study is important due to its contribution to this debate. In this study, the financial bubbles that occurred quarterly in the period of 1990-2019 and in the three countries (in South Korea, Philippines, and Thailand) , which were amongst the countries at the core of the 1997 Asian crisis, are handled. They are essentially focused on the bubble bursts. It is the purpose to determine there is a connection between bubble burst cases and cumulative real cost, decrease in growth rate, or economic contraction. If there is a strong relation, to maintain macroeconomic stability in the markets, the government has to fulfill proactive (macroprudential) policies and has to intervene not only on bubble bursts, but also on bubble’s formation. However, some relations with only weak or middle degrees were reached.

Keywords: Financial Bubble, Bubble Burst, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand

JEL Classification: C10, E44, G01, G12 Full Text ( 1602)
