An Alternative Approach for Manufacturing Performance Measurement: Preference Selection Index (PSI) Method

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: An Alternative Approach for Manufacturing Performance Measurement: Preference Selection Index (PSI) Method
Author(s): Gökhan Akyüz, Salih Aka
Volume: 6
Number: 1
Year: 2015
Page: 63-77
ISSN: 1309-2448
The manufacturing firms have to monitor their performance to maintain competitive advantages and sustain improvements. In this study, an approach based on Preference Selection Index (PSI) is proposed to calculate the manufacturing performance index at a specific time interval. Unlike many methods in the literature, this method offers a systematic approach with simple calculations without the need to determine the relative weights of the criteria. The application was performed in three separate production lines of the company in the glass industry and improvements in the performance of the lines for eight-month period of time were analyzed.
Keywords: Manufacturing performance, preference selection index method, performance index
JEL Classification: M11, L61 Full Text ( 2213)
