Aims & Scope

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Aims & Scope

Business and Economics Research Journal was founded in September 2009, and the first issue was published in January 2010. The original name (İşletme ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, ISSN:1309-2448) of the Journal was changed to “Business and Economics Research Journal” in 2018. ISSN was changed because of changing the name. The new ISSN is “2619-9491”, and it is effective from 15 March 2018.

Business and Economics Research Journal (ISSN: 2619-9491) is a peer-reviewed academic journal published four times a year (January, April, July, and October). Business and Economics Research Journal (BERJ) is an electronic journal publishing articles in both English and Turkish.

BERJ aims to publish research articles on business and economics sciences and other social sciences related to business and economics for contributing to the social sciences literature. BERJ publishes high-quality studies in the fields of business administration, economics, public finance, labor economics, econometrics, and business law. Although BERJ has a preference for academic studies, it also welcomes studies that are written by independent researchers and practitioners. BERJ aims to constitute a qualified and continual platform for sharing studies of academicians, researchers, and practitioners.

BERJ is indexed/abstracted in;
– ULAKBIM Turkish Social Sciences Database (TRDIZIN),
– EBSCOhost,
– EconLit,
– ProQuest,
– Index Copernicus,
– RePec,
– Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL),
– Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory,
– Cabell’s Directories,
– Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB),
– J-Gate, and
– Listed in ABDC Journal Quality List.

Some statistics of BERJ are as follows:
• The total number of articles published is 674, and our total number of authors is 1,272 for the 2010-2024 period.
• The overall average acceptance rate (the number of manuscripts submitted / number of articles published) is 47% for the 2010-2024 years. The average acceptance rate for the last two years (2023 and 2024) is 30%.
• You can visit the Google Scholar web page of BERJ to see the citations between 2010-2024.