A Systematic Review and Critical Evaluation of Methodology Sections of CEO Narcissism Research

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: A Systematic Review and Critical Evaluation of Methodology Sections of CEO Narcissism Research
Author(s): Halit Keskin, Selahaddin Samil Fidan
Volume: 12
Number: 2
Year: 2021
Page: 399-417
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2021.329
The aim of this study is to systematically review and critically evaluate the methodology sections of CEO (chief executive officer) narcissism research. We evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of measurement tools used in CEO narcissism research. We systematically examined 55 CEO narcissism articles scanned within the scope of Web of Science in terms of country, industry, journal, data sources, measurement tools, and additional validity tests. According to the results of the study, CEO narcissism studies were mostly carried out by collecting data from the United States companies. No study was found in the field of education, health, and law. Small and medium sized firms were rarely focused. 32 studies out of 55 studies used the CEO narcissism index. A standard process in the use of measurement tools was low. All studies have postulated CEO narcissism as a general and invariant tendency. Of the 32 studies using the CEO narcissism index, only 10 studies performed additional validity analysis. 7 studies out of 9 studies using third-party evaluations were found to perform additional validity analysis. No qualitative research design has been found.

Keywords: CEO Narcissism, Methodology, Measurement Tools, Validation Tests

JEL Classification: M10, M12, M19

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