A literature Review on Middle Management/Manager

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: A literature Review on Middle Management/Manager
Author(s): Sukran Gokce
Volume: 10
Number: 5
Year: 2019
Page: 1155-1166
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2019.227
The aim of this study is to contribute to the literature by revealing the middle level management/manager identity and the role of this management level in the organization. It also aims to develop a deeper understanding of the involvement of mid-level management in the process of identification and implementation of strategy and its positive results on performance. In this respect “middle level management/manager” and “roles of middle level managers” and in the context of strategic management and published in the journals in the Google and academic database between 1975-2017 and an overall evaluation of national and International studies was made. First of all, the lack of national studies on this subject is remarkable compared to International Studies. According to the results of the research, all authors agree that mid-level management is a large management group that exists between senior and senior management. In addition, mid-level management/managers differ from other levels at three points: function, organizational structure and the tendency of researchers. Mid-level management/managers have significant overlap between roles and the scope of roles is shaped by organizational context, time and the attitude of managers. Researchers have ignored the role of decision making, especially when emphasizing the role of communication and collaboration of these managers.

Keywords: Middle Management, Middle Manager, Role, Strategic Management

JEL Classification: M10, L25, M12, M15, D04

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