A Conceptualization of Corporate Social Responsibility in Turkish Literature: A Meta-Synthesis

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: A Conceptualization of Corporate Social Responsibility in Turkish Literature: A Meta-Synthesis
Author(s): Sirin Atakan Duman, Emel Ozdora Aksak
Volume: 8
Number: 3
Year: 2017
Page: 501-517
ISSN: 1309-2448
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2017.63
The study firstly includes a thematic meta synthesis of the national academic literature, including Master’s and Ph.D. theses that contain the keywords corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been examined to reveal the conceptualization this construct providing a detailed profiling and inventory of the literature. This meta synthesis provides researchers with a detailed outline of the literature in regards to; publication year, study area, theory and concepts used, definitions, methodological approaches, results and conclusions. This study also greatly helps determine the gaps in the national literature and aims to further contribute to theory development in CSR area. An analysis of the study findings reveals that most of the theses examined include mostly descriptive studies focused on implementation-based results, lacking theoretical contributions. This meta synthesis reveals a need for studies that combine various theories and develop/provide new conceptual frameworks.

Keywords: Meta-Synthesis, Corporate Social Responsibility, Template Analysis, Content Analysis, Theses

JEL Classification: M14, M19

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