Determining The Relationships Between Gamification, Consumer Engagement, Brand Loyalty and Intention to Continue Using

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Determining The Relationships Between Gamification, Consumer Engagement, Brand Loyalty and Intention to Continue Using
Author(s): Leyla Gökmerdan Önder
Volume: 14
Number: 2
Year: 2023
Page: 277-288
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2023.416
The concept of game has turned into the concept of gamification with the rapid development of digitalization. Increasingly used in many areas, gamification is a new and attractive way for businesses to connect with their consumers and strengthen their relationships. On the other hand, thanks to mobile applications attracting the attention of consumers, businesses can create brand loyalty by offering a pleasant experience to their consumers. With gamified mobile applications designed by combining gamification and mobile applications, it is aimed to increase customers’ interest in the brand. Moreover, it will help repeat customer purchasing behavior, and to ensure that they continue to use the application by involving them in the process. From this point of view, the main objective of the research is to determine the relations between gamified mobile applications, consumer participation, brand loyalty, and intention to continue using. For this purpose, a survey study was conducted on consumers aged 18 years and old living in Ankara and using mobile applications of coffee chain brands. The model demonstrating the relations between the variables using the collected data was tested with the least squares path analysis using the Smart-PLS program. According to the results, story, mechanics, technology, and aesthetic dimensions used for designing gamified mobile applications that are predicted by the elemental tetrad model positively affect consumer participation. Moreover, the results show that consumer participation affects brand loyalty and intention to continue using.

Keywords: Gamification, Consumer Engagement, Brand Loyalty, Intention to Continue Using, Elemental Tetrad Model

JEL Classification: M10, M30, M31 Full Text ( 1036)
