Improving Processes Through Value Stream Mapping: A Case Study in Lean Organization

Article Information
Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: Improving Processes Through Value Stream Mapping: A Case Study in Lean Organization
Author(s): Hakan Aydin, Canan Cetin
Volume: 11
Number: 2
Year: 2020
Page: 445-459
ISSN: 2619-9491
DOI Number: 10.20409/berj.2020.260
The purpose of this study is to explain how the processes were improved in a lean organization through value stream mapping application. It is suggested that value stream mapping enables to observe product value stream, notice the sources of waste in the process, identify improve-ment points in product flow and develop more efficient processes. The application of value stream mapping was implemented in XYZ company, which is significant knowledge and expe-rience of value stream mapping in the automotive sector. XYZ company is on the ISO 500 and employs more than 800 employees. In this study value stream mapping was applied on a single company level. The current state map was drawn after selecting rear seat as product family; then the value stream in the current state map was examined, the future state map designed, and improvements explicated to reach a future state. It was concluded that the number of employees in the company decreased, space-saving was realized, defects diminished, produc-tion capacity increased, line stop time decreased, lead time shortened, finished product inven-tory decreased and production was balanced. It is suggested that value stream mapping may be considered as a significant tool in the improvement of processes and providing significant benefits to businesses planning to be lean organizations.

Keywords: Value Stream Mapping, Process Improvement, Lean Organization, Value, Lean

JEL Classification: D24, L23, M10 Full Text ( ↓ 3050)
