Investigating the Relationship of Work Values and Work Ethics: A Comparative Study on Public and Private Sector Employees

Article Information
Journal:Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article:Investigating the Relationship of Work Values and Work Ethics: A Comparative Study on Public and Private Sector Employees
Author(s):Serdar Bozkurt, Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business Administration [email protected]
Altan Dogan, İstanbul University, Faculty of Business Administration [email protected]
Volume: 4
Number: 4
Year: 2013

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between work values and attitudes towards work ethics for public and private sector employees. The results of the study reveal a significant relationship between work values and attitudes towards work ethics. A further examination pointed out a positive relationship between attitudes towards work ethics and dimensions of work values, namely management, achievement, security, associates, aesthetic, prestige, independence, variety, economic return and intellectual stimulation. Furthermore, work values of employees are found to vary depending on gender variable whereas management and aesthetic dimensions of work values are found to vary depending on the sector of the employee. Attitudes towards ethics and work values do not show difference according to demographic variables such as education level, age and marital status.

Keywords:Work ethics, work values, public and private sector employees

JEL Classification:M10, M14, A13 Full Text ( 3613)
